VLOG iJim`s Introduction Thingy


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 31, 2016
Ok I am pretty rubbish at these intro things so I am going to follow the template thing, here we go

Hello Freedom!

My name is Jim or iJim from the YouTube channel iJimTV
I live in the North East of England, yep I am a Northerner
How old am I? Well in the YouTube universe I am old, at the time of writing this I am 49 years and 1 month old.
I had no idea who Freedom were, I will be honest, I applied to join the PGUK Network and was accepted, only then did I discover Freedom as PGUK use Freedom as its engine.
I joined the Freedom forums so that I could learn the tricks and strategies of other Freedom YouTubers.
I am married with four children, two of which have special educational needs so when I do get free time I am either planning/recording and editing my next YouTube video or playing Minecraft, Fallout 4 or a random zombie FPS, I am a huge fan of horror movies with an extra soft spot for zombies, I love them.
I also like to think of myself as a bit of a Wordsmith.
My favorite food was Pizza of course, I say was because at the age I am at the moment I have fallen victim to middle aged spread so have watch the food I eat which sucks in a very big way.

In the beginning I was and still am a blogger, writing a personal blog over at ijim.co.uk but I wanted to add a more personal touch so started recording my blogs, the idea was that my readers could watch and hear what I had to say instead of reading it. Vlogging seems to have taken over now.. oops.

So, what do I make? Vlogs, I am a vlogger, I make videos about whatever has caught my interest at any point in time, I also upload my poems and the occasional gameplay video.

I mainly upload my vlogs on a Friday at 4pm GMT but have been known to upload more than once a week if something has caught my eye.

Channel link: http://YouTube.com/iJimTV

If you managed to read everything down to this part, well done you!