Music Joey/Jydabeats (intro)


New User
Oct 23, 2015
Your name: Joey
(Optional) Where are you from?: Netherlands
(Optional) How old are you?: 17
How did you find Freedom!? Google
What made you join our forums?: Ive watched some videos on youtube, and i think this would be a good network for me
What are you hobbies?: Making beats. And film!
What is your favorite food? Pizza
Why did you start YouTube? Because i love to share my music with another people.
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? Become a big music producer! and make it my job.
What kind of channel do you run?: Music channel, i drop every week 1-2 beats a week.
What kind of content do you upload? Music
When do you upload?: 1-2 a week, not really a fixed day.
Channel link:

Glad to be partner of freedom!