Entertainment TheCraftedDragon (My Little Pony Flash Animations & Minecraft Machinimas!)


New User
Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2015
Hello! My name is Jeremy, but please call me by my online persona - EndenDragon. I am based in Washington, USA. I am currently a high school student learning how to animate in Adobe Flash. I found out about freedom after my friend told me about the network. I have been holding back from joining networks until I have earned a decent amount of views. I have been watching a few of Freedom's demonstration videos and I decided to join in the forums to see what is the buzz. My hobbies are working in Adobe Flash and making My Little Pony animations (any bronies out there in the freedom family?). My favorite food is probably sphagetti & pizza (ITALIAN FOOD FTW!). I started out with multiple failed channels ranging from my first game Toontown Online to Minecraft. But now I came to a great brony community where they actually watch my videos!
I run a small animation channel (with some Minecraft machinimas from my early days). I upload probably every month once, as those animations can take LONG to produce.

Check out my channel! :D