which console is better?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2018
as i was growing up, i played a lot of games. and some better then other.but the consoles i played with where awsome for there time. now i was mostly nintendo and microsoft consoles growing up so my picks are mostly from them.

my favrote consle that i ever had my hands on was a n64. and everyone who had one fell in love with it. the console itself changed gaming as we know it today. and lets be honest, it was fun with the legend of zelda and super mario 64. (those two will never die TBH.)

the console i don't really care for is the game boy sp.... Now here me out, im not saying this because i hated the thing it self. but because of the game that came out with it. a lot of them where so confussing that it was hard to figer out what to do, and when you did. you need to go around aimlessly till you find the end, to find out your not done. (it was bad to say the less.)

and i know what some are thinking. (garra, pokemon game where great on that too.) and that is true. but im not bashing the good ones. only the ones that had no reasion to even be games.

let me know what you thing, and speak you mind on you favorite one growing up. and you not so favorite one. :)


Freedom! Member
"Which console is better?" Honestly, does it really matter? I've played games on multiple different consoles, and have never tried to compare one console to another. My biggest concern has always been whether the game is good or not. The only instance in which I think it's really appropriate to ask this kind of question is if you want to know which console is better for a certain game.