Comedy Why Hello There


New User
Dec 24, 2014
Hello everybody, I am Ryan otherwise known as Ryzz otherwise as the individual that rages at his team mates alot :DDDD

..... Okay I'm not known for much but I do it anyway

Anyhow I post whatever I feel like playing on the day and mainly do what has become known as cut comms.... I know it sounds awful.... but I also do A LOT of Highlight videos, currently on COD but expanding because it's hard to enjoy.

Also depending on how things go I may also upload full LP's, cause that's why I started a Youtube channel!

Also if I seem familiar it's because I have an ANCIENT account on here that I do not touch anymore and has become sadly irrelevant considering I use a different email for Youtube and whatnot

Anyway now to complete the thread based on the roolz

Favourite Food: FOOD
How did you find Freedom: Old acc plus I watch multiple Youtubers who are partnered with Freedom
Hobbies: Gaming, Cricket, Attempting to be creative, Learning and spending time with friends/loved ones
What made you join Freedoms' forums: Used to have a lot of fun here and hoping to recreate that fun as well as chat with other Freedom partners :)
What made you start Youtube: Watched individuals like Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and many COD Youtubers, but the main hit was my friend making his own channel
Biggest dream: Be successful on Youtube or in some way where I am my own boss, like as an Author or Game Developer
Upload Schedule: I try to aim for 3 times a week as of now but if things go well that will increase (hopefully to Daily Uploads)

Here's my channel, just be aware that it's R18 sorta channel due to a lot of the things I say/do:


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
welcome to the forums! We're all here to help each other out!

If you want to grow, consider who you might wanna assist here in return, if you like what their channels provide of course, not just blind sub for sub :)

if you have any questions feel free to ask :)


lol I giggled at "cricket" - so posh :p