Gaming What's up, Peter here!

Peter Johnson

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 22, 2014
What's up, Freedom Community! My name is Peter, I'm 18 , and do you know what I like? Multiplayer Gaming! Well, Games in general!
I know that a lot of you may not know me, but I've been with Freedom since December 2014, and it has been a blast!
I also have a Youtube channel called peterizawesome (don't mind the name, made it 3 years ago when I was 15, and the name was cool back then)
I've been uploading for close to 3 years now, it's insane how fast those 3 years went! Feel free to check it out and leave some feedback! Thank you -Peter


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey Dude , Welcome to freedom !!! I hope you enjoy your stay :)

if you need any help be sure to ask !!

Your sub button shows an error :) make sure when you put your link in you only put the last part of your YouTube link in and not all of it !

Rapid Fury

Respected User
Feb 14, 2016
What's up, Freedom Community! My name is Peter, I'm 18 , and do you know what I like? Multiplayer Gaming! Well, Games in general!
I know that a lot of you may not know me, but I've been with Freedom since December 2014, and it has been a blast!
I also have a Youtube channel called peterizawesome (don't mind the name, made it 3 years ago when I was 15, and the name was cool back then)
I've been uploading for close to 3 years now, it's insane how fast those 3 years went! Feel free to check it out and leave some feedback! Thank you -Peter
Welcome to the freedom family bro and we are all here to help you also iwill go and check out you channel and could you also go and check out my own youtube channel too:):)

Peter Johnson

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 22, 2014
My Sub Button used to show, but not anymore. My channel was created when your username showed up in the link There's an Option to change your URL now, but considering it's a one time use, I will just keep my old one for now. Thanks though!

Peter Johnson

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 22, 2014
I figured I should give an update about this thread.
Basically, it didn't help me or my channel much. I didn't notice a difference..
There were no comments or feedback..
But at the end of the day, I do still appreciate your posts