Quitting Youtube


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Before I start my rant or whatever you called it. I just want to let you know that I have multiple channels that is partnered with Freedom. I been doing Youtube around 2010 or 2011 seriously and now it's 2016 I am no where near to the point I want to be.

So for a couple of years, I had stop caring if I get views or comment in my video. I will just upload videos of the games that I enjoy playing. Basically a "Let's Play" sort of thing. But start this year 2016, things have changed. I now again started caring if I get views or comments in my video.

Before someone reading this thread will post and says, why not promote your videos in social medias, like twitter,reddit and etc. Well, I already did that and done that. Remember when I said, I already have multiple channels that are partnered with Freedom? I tested everything that Freedom Tips said, that a Youtuber needs to do to grow in Youtube and get followers.

Like @Nolan Westmore posting your videos in social media like reddit and stuff will only get you empty views.
For example, in my Diablo 2 lets play collab with AtomMagik. I posted our collab video in diablo fan site, it gets views alright but at the same time tons of thumbs down. And ZERO comments!!

And before someone will say, well your commentary needs more emotion to it like @CherryBlue said to me once in chat. Well that is how I talked in real life and I cannot changed it. And like @Anthony Smith said, make a persona and try to practice it. I did try and how many videos do you think I already made? Maybe around 2k+ or more? Do you think its not enough practice and not get it right?

Another thing, if you will mention about TAGS and Description I have thousand of videos. With the different types of Tagging and Description Layouts. Still it did not helped me at all, sure few months or few years later my older videos gets a lot of views and decent comment. But after that, those people who subscribe or comments never heard ever again.

Before someone says "Oh, maybe your not interacting to your viewers". In most occasion, I talked to my audience asking them what do they want to see, my opinions on current events and etc. But you know what, ZERO reaction. Also, I always watch a video of the people I subscribe to from start to end. And even leaving a comment about their video. And because of it, I became friends with them. Some even subscribe to my channel, but never left a comment. And sometimes watches my video once in a blue moon. Even though, I watch their content everyday and leave a comment.

Even a friend of mine, who promise to watch every video I make in this "Takamura Channel" and leave a comment. Heck, didn't even do it. Even though he said he likes my video and commentary.

I had tried everything I can do, like do not upload everyday..Use scheduler and post in a specific time. But nothing ever works. And you will tell me, hard work will pay off. Not in my case, because I tried everything and seems to fail.

The one reason, why I am still writing this thread is because I spend thousands of dollars for Youtube and the return is not much. Yes Youtubing should be a hobby, but I want to get at lease few people who will really watch my video and leave a comment. How hard is that to ask in return?

Freedom and @Believe said "Never Give Up!". I am on the brink of giving up now. I am so tired of everything. It's like I am wasting my time, energy and money on things that I love to do. But will not love me back in return.
I guess someone people are just lucky and even have charisma like @George . In which, I lack both..

I am right now really on my low point. Can someone out there help me? Lift my spirit up again and believe I can reach the brass ring someday. Anyone? @Hail Kira @41Danny1 @Ernest @JakeVegas @DeathLives @Row

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Can you link me to your channel? I like doing channel reviews for people within Freedom. Maybe there's something wrong with your channel that you're not seeing?

I've had to completely change the way I make videos because I sat down one day and spent a few hours looking at my channel going "Whats wrong with my channel? I'm uploading quality content..." then I found the problem, fixed it and now I've gained around 30+ subs within 2 weeks or so.


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Can you link me to your channel? I like doing channel reviews for people within Freedom. Maybe there's something wrong with your channel that you're not seeing?

I've had to completely change the way I make videos because I sat down one day and spent a few hours looking at my channel going "Whats wrong with my channel? I'm uploading quality content..." then I found the problem, fixed it and now I've gained around 30+ subs within 2 weeks or so.
I am not sure if you read my long post or not. But I am sure, you will not watch all 2k+ videos I made through the years. That I tried every method in the books. And in few years ago, I made over 300+ subs in just a day. But then again, after that video they never come back.

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
I am not sure if you read my long post or not. But I am sure, you will not watch all 2k+ videos I made through the years. That I tried every method in the books. And in few years ago, I made over 300+ subs in just a day. But then again, after that video they never come back.

Honestly, I didn't read ALL of it.

However, I'm still interested in trying to help you. There's got to be a reason why they just all left. Maybe you're posting at odd times or perhaps it's just not appearing in their sub boxes? Do you use Social Media to your advantage by posting your videos on there? Are you posting too many videos? I want to help solve the problem at least :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
From my perspective, Youtube shouldn't just be a hobby, I honestly do it to escape reality and talk about stuff off my mind through commentary. I honestly have been on the brink of thinking if Youtube is stupid and should give up, but i would just push that thought in the back of my mind for me not to think about it again. Sure these tips from Freedom or the things your friends, family etc, maybe motivation, but what if it's just more dependent on how one should think about what truly Youtube is to them. Maybe your fanbase is there, but just doesn't care enough to put in thought for your channel? I just shrug off the stuff that comes to my mind truly when I think about doing Youtube. SO going to you, all you need is to just maybe keep on trying and end up seeing if you should see it through the end and just maybe think about the effort you're putting and not so much the feedback you're getting, unless that's a bad way to think of it through my perspective. Sure feedback is important, but the will and pride through your mindset to keep on doing what you're doing is more important.

Well sorry for my rambling bro! But hopefully your conflict gets resolved! I'm here if you need someone to talk to even though we don't know each other but yeah! :D
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Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Honestly, I didn't read ALL of it.

However, I'm still interested in trying to help you. There's got to be a reason why they just all left. Maybe you're posting at odd times or perhaps it's just not appearing in their sub boxes? Do you use Social Media to your advantage by posting your videos on there? Are you posting too many videos? I want to help solve the problem at least :)
If you read it all, I already answered your question. But anyway, thanks for trying to help.


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
From my perspective, Youtube shouldn't just be a hobby, I honestly do it to escape reality and talk about stuff off my mind through commentary. I honestly have been on the brink of thinking if Youtube is stupid and should give up, but i would just push that thought in the back of my mind for me not to think about it again. Sure these tips from Freedom or the things your friends, family etc, maybe motivation, but what if it's just more dependent on how one should think about what truly Youtube is to them. Maybe your fanbase is there, but just doesn't care enough to put in thought for your channel? I just shrug off the stuff that comes to my mind truly when I think about doing Youtube. SO going to you, all you need is to just maybe keep on trying and end up seeing if you should see it through the end and just maybe think about the effort you're putting and not so much the feedback you're getting, unless that's a bad way to think of it through my perspective. Sure feedback is important, but the will and pride through your mindset to keep on doing what you're doing is more important.

Well sorry for my rambling bro! But hopefully your conflict gets resolved! I'm here if you need someone to talk to even though we don't know each other but yeah! :D
Like I mention, I been doing this for years and used not care if someone watches it or leave a feed back. But for some reason starting 2016 I started caring again. I used to enjoy just sharing my videos in Youtube. But now, I feel disappointed...if I dont get views and feed back.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Like I mention, I been doing this for years and used not care if someone watches it or leave a feed back. But for some reason starting 2016 I started caring again. I used to enjoy just sharing my videos in Youtube. But now, I feel disappointed...if I dont get views and feed back.

Hmm, well maybe this will bring a new/same experience for you if you care again. I don't think you should really feel disappointed with the views and feeback. I think just changing that kind of mindset should set you on a new journey/experience with doing Youtube again.
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Reactions: KrazyK Gaming


Respected User
Nov 20, 2015
Can you link me to your channel? I like doing channel reviews for people within Freedom. Maybe there's something wrong with your channel that you're not seeing?

I've had to completely change the way I make videos because I sat down one day and spent a few hours looking at my channel going "Whats wrong with my channel? I'm uploading quality content..." then I found the problem, fixed it and now I've gained around 30+ subs within 2 weeks or so.
Hey dude if you love doing reviews on channels i would freaking love for you to review mine, my channel is something i do as a hobby but if im able to make someone laugh that makes me feel good.


Respected User
Nov 20, 2015
Honestly dude dont get so discouraged my advice to you would be to watch youtube vids on how to try to get more views and comments maybe that might help, although whatever you decide to end up doing wish u the best bro.


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Hmm, well maybe this will bring a new/same experience for you if you care again. I don't think you should really feel disappointed with the views and feeback. I think just changing that kind of mindset should set you on a new journey/experience with doing Youtube again.
That is the problem, I do not know how to change my mindset and its frustrating. Youtube right now is so saturated...I can't believed I am getting depress because of Youtube..It used to be my safe haven...or something..


Respected User
Nov 20, 2015
That is the problem, I do not know how to change my mindset and its frustrating. Youtube right now is so saturated...I can't believed I am getting depress because of Youtube..It used to be my safe haven...or something..
Yea bro i feel you i can relate honestly bro dont even trip about youtube right now if its frustrating you just take some time off. Go out and do things you enjoy whether its by yourself or with the homies. If you ever get stressed this what I do I exercise,box,listen to music, and occasionally beat my meat, helps relieve a lot of college stress. Although I really do wish you the best with youtube if you still decide to continue.


Jul 10, 2014
I can see you're pretty stressed.

Why don't you take a breather?
I did that for a while with my channel. Purely because I had a lot of stuff going on in life, so I had to take a break from YouTube and focus on other things. And it's okay to take breaks. People need it from time to time. Figure out what it is that you need to do and what it is that you can do to make your channel better.

You don't have to upload every day. If you feel like you're forcing yourself to do it, then don't. Some people upload once a week, and they retain a lot of viewers.

One thing I learned with YouTube and maybe keeping people interested is just ramble in your videos or even come up with something to talk about before hand. Jot down some things and just ramble. I do that pretty often, and sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying. It's okay to be silly or to be dumb in your videos, people will enjoy seeing your real side.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
That is the problem, I do not know how to change my mindset and its frustrating. Youtube right now is so saturated...I can't believed I am getting depress because of Youtube..It used to be my safe haven...or something..

Exactly, but still youtube is my escape from reality. Hey dude, don't worry about how frustrated you are right now, maybe the solution will come naturally to you! Makikita ito ay okay (It'll be okay). Maybe reminisce on how you didn't care about everything?


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
I can see you're pretty stressed.

Why don't you take a breather?
I did that for a while with my channel. Purely because I had a lot of stuff going on in life, so I had to take a break from YouTube and focus on other things. And it's okay to take breaks. People need it from time to time. Figure out what it is that you need to do and what it is that you can do to make your channel better.

You don't have to upload every day. If you feel like you're forcing yourself to do it, then don't. Some people upload once a week, and they retain a lot of viewers.

One thing I learned with YouTube and maybe keeping people interested is just ramble in your videos or even come up with something to talk about before hand. Jot down some things and just ramble. I do that pretty often, and sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying. It's okay to be silly or to be dumb in your videos, people will enjoy seeing your real side.
In your experience, does having face cam works? And can you introduce me to your graphic designer?
Anyway, all my videos are already been scheduled till first week of March. And to be honest, I haven't been recording nor playing video games for couple of days now. Been busy with my work...


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
Exactly, but still youtube is my escape from reality. Hey dude, don't worry about how frustrated you are right now, maybe the solution will come naturally to you! Makikita ito ay okay (It'll be okay). Maybe reminisce on how you didn't care about everything?
You mean "Magiging maayos din ang lahat" ? I stop caring, when I realized I will not be big Youtuber.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
You mean "Magiging maayos din ang lahat" ? I stop caring, when I realized I will not be big Youtuber.

Yep, sorry i Don't really speak Tagalog and had to look it up xD! LMAO but forreal i'm glad to see you ask those question! this is likely apart of your journey to resolve this conflict that you're having! Again good luck bro! Hopefully we'll stay in contact.


Jul 10, 2014
In your experience, does having face cam works? And can you introduce me to your graphic designer?
Anyway, all my videos are already been scheduled till first week of March. And to be honest, I haven't been recording nor playing video games for couple of days now. Been busy with my work...

Mm, I think face cam works if you're expressive. I do a lot of stupid stuff and get scared very easily, so I think in my case, it would work in my favor.
I'm my own designer, haha.

It's okay. There are days when I don't record. I haven't recorded for the past 2 days 'cause I've been rendering videos and working on commissions.