Should I leave Freedom?

Hello everyone , I'm a small YouTuber with a thousand subscribers ..I joined Freedom when i had a little ove 100 subscribers ...I mainly join this network without any prior thought , and also because i thought this might help me grow ...
But since then i havnt done anything with freedom , lets face it ,qualty royalty free music are already available online and nobody wanna collab with a 100sub channel lol..
by this time i have been partner with freedom for already 4 months and i have never used any of freedom feature if there is any..but recenlyi have been getting lots of traffic and my subscribers are increasing !! this started from the first week of june , when it start to increase and now by the end of it i have 100+ subscribers daily and around 40$ daily revene and its increasing !! before this the total revenue for 3 months was only 7$ total..
so my Question is , am i being greedy by leaving freedom or is it the wiser couse because i hardly use it anyway ...please please me decide
PS; although my yotube revenue show 300$+ my freedom wallet have only 4$ whatz up with that ???

Kevin Mosse

Rising User
Jun 30, 2016
Freedom payments are about 2 months behind so it will take a while to update right. Maybe you should try joining one of Freedoms sub networks and they will do you a good deal. Or you could try moving to Curse. However you don't owe your network anything, in fact they owe you. So go wherever you like don't let them hold you back. :)

Jason Keene

Rising User
Apr 30, 2014
You should join the freedom network because you agree to give 40% of your revenue in exchange for their services (Forums, Music, Sponsors, Etc.) if you don't see yourself using these or have never been interested in using the services then you are just giving them free money. But if you still want to stay in the network for whatever reason then put less ads on your videos.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 28, 2016
At the same time though Freedom! gives you certain rights so that it is more difficult to strike your channel. You have to consider that if you leave, it will be a lot easier for others to strike you for gameplay rights if you have a gaming channel.

Also, many people would love to collaborate with a 1000 subscriber channel, just talk with people on the forums and you might learn a lot, but at the same time it is your decision :)

Mix Master Ketchup

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dude, i have like 70 subs and i found a guy with more than 200 subs willing to put me on his mixtape, so yeah, people will collab even if you have a small channel.

But, you'll be more likely to get small channels to agree than big channels unless you have something they want.

At the same time though Freedom! gives you certain rights so that it is more difficult to strike your channel. You have to consider that if you leave, it will be a lot easier for others to strike you for gameplay rights if you have a gaming channel

That's not true at all, you can get Content ID'd even if you're a part of Freedom (unless you're managed, but most channels aren't). Freedom to my knowledge doesn't seem to have any deals with gaming companies, if you're using gameplay and having no issues with that, it's because the developers have no issues with gaming videos using their content. The only real difference is that YouTube doesn't review monetization for MCN partners, so you'll be able to monetize gaming videos easier without any kind of delay or documentation.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
The choice is yours to make if you see benefit in staying with Freedom. I have been with the network for 3 years and never used any of their features. Am i giving them free money? Probably, but in return i have learned alot and gained alot of experience in my time here. Besides that i believe this network has potential and will continue to grow bigger making it possible to gain acces to more features in the future wich i might use.

Call it idealistic but i see no reason to stay but i also see no reason to leave.
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Jason Keene

Rising User
Apr 30, 2014
The choice is yours to make if you see benefit in staying with Freedom. I have been with the network for 3 years and never used any of their features. Am i giving them free money? Probably, but in return i have learned alot and gained alot of experience in my time here. Besides that i believe this network has potential and will continue to grow bigger making it possible to gain acces to more features in the future wich i might use.

Call it idealistic but i see no reason to stay but i also see no reason to leave.
Good point
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thank you so much guys for your support and advises and yeah I think i will be better off without a network for now ..I am gaining 100+ sub every day and around 20k views ..I know its not alot but for small youtuber like me that is huge ..
also I knw freedom have no control over CPM but my current cpm is 5$ thats not very high as far as i know and with only 65% revene share i get from freedom thats com down to around 3.3 $ ...I am not a gaming channel ..I make videos on human personalities and other fun and interesting facts ..
One more Q guys if i leave freedom now , will I get my earning or not ?? my last month earning is 432$ now and my freedom balance still shows $7


Mythic User
thank you so much guys for your support and advises and yeah I think i will be better off without a network for now ..I am gaining 100+ sub every day and around 20k views ..I know its not alot but for small youtuber like me that is huge ..
also I knw freedom have no control over CPM but my current cpm is 5$ thats not very high as far as i know and with only 65% revene share i get from freedom thats com down to around 3.3 $ ...I am not a gaming channel ..I make videos on human personalities and other fun and interesting facts ..
One more Q guys if i leave freedom now , will I get my earning or not ?? my last month earning is 432$ now and my freedom balance still shows $7

You will still be paid whatever you earned while in Freedom and have access to the dashboard after you leave. If you made $400 in a month you could probably get 90% - 95% revenue share, but if you are not using any of the features of Freedom you are perfectly within your own right to leave the Network. Always do what's best for your channel :) You can always come back if you want also.