Recent content by Gaming with Jennifer

  1. Gaming with Jennifer

    Request Need in depth feedback

    It's clear that you guys know your stuff about a lot of stuff! As Alias said, you've got a lot of things going for ya - comedy, info and enthusiasm. I find podcasts too long to listen/watch all the way through, and for a new channel without a large audience behind them it can be difficult to...
  2. Gaming with Jennifer

    Gaming Hi Freedom Family!

    Ah yeah I read that, wanted to go a bit of a different way, but thanks!
  3. Gaming with Jennifer

    Request Preview of my channel

    You can use Audacity to record your voice, and then edit out noise afterwards.
  4. Gaming with Jennifer

    Other Milestone Promoted & Network!

    Congrats dude, that's a big deal! Good luck for the future too :)
  5. Gaming with Jennifer

    Request Preview of my channel

    I agree with fattmatt, the content at the moment isn't particularly unique. If you want to stick with Minecraft, you need to do something interesting with it. There are loads of guides out there, but if you can make something short and snappy that really helps. At the moment your voice sounds...
  6. Gaming with Jennifer

    Review4Review Looking for feedback on my new channel!

    I don't know a thing about vaping, so I can't help much content-wise I'm afraid. In terms of camera presence, you're already doing pretty well. The main thing I can advice is eye contact - you often look away from the camera and although that's fine sometimes, in my opinion you may be doing it a...
  7. Gaming with Jennifer

    Request Am I cringey? Video Feedback Request!

    This is a good style of video - I liked it, so you got a sub from me. However this particular video felt a bit too long, and I was honestly starting to lose interest at about 4mins as it was starting to get a bit samey. If this was a highly anticipated game, I would have definitely kept watching...
  8. Gaming with Jennifer

    Subscriber Milestone 150 Subscribers!! (If you are feeling down about your sub count then read this!!)

    Congratulations dude! It took three years to get to where I am now (minus two months when my channel was down) and I can agree that perseverance and being proactive really helps! Good luck for the future :)
  9. Gaming with Jennifer

    Favorite Part of Freedom!?

    The transparency of the network, how easy it is to join the community and you have full control of your channel.
  10. Gaming with Jennifer

    Resources Going to start live streaming! Going to need some pointers(help)

    I personally use OBS, so can't help too much with the tech side of things sadly. However when actually streaming make sure you engage often with your audience and try not to get wrapped up in the game too much. Make it a different experience to your videos in order to gain the maximum amount of...
  11. Gaming with Jennifer

    What's your favourite game?

    For me it definitely used to be Minecraft, but I played that so much a year or so ago I got sick of it. I'm now really into Smite and Life is Strange.
  12. Gaming with Jennifer

    Gaming Hi Freedom Family!

    Hi all, I'm not actually that new to Freedom, but I've only just got round to introducing myself here (that I can remember at least). I'm a small gaming channel looking to grow along with you all. I have been recently posting gameplay on Life is Strange, interwoven with some standalone videos...