Recent content by jd22292

  1. jd22292

    Gaming When Shovel Knight becomes ragey for a rusty player...

    If there are any experienced players of this game, advice for improvement would be helpful. Thanks!
  2. jd22292

    Gaming A Channel Montage to Recap my channel's 2016

  3. jd22292

    Gaming Hi, I'm Atonify!

    Welcome to the Freedom Community, Atonify! And yeah, as Showcase said, there's a way you can add a Subscribe button to your posts and I believe there's a forum post that tells you how to do it. But I can't remember where they posted it.
  4. jd22292

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    dlive22891; he's very unique with his humor, and his horror stuff... no words can describe it.
  5. jd22292

    What laptop do you use for gaming?

    How's the processor speed on it? I know some games like GTA V won't run properly on processors under 2 GHz.
  6. jd22292

    about gaming channels

    Yeah, I've learned the hard way that playing a broad range of games can eventually lead to a slump in your monthly new subscriber rate. I'm down to about -1 subs per month now because I'm uploading stuff not everyone wants to see. The struggles.
  7. jd22292

    What laptop do you use for gaming?

    What do you guys use for gaming PCs and how have they held up for you? Also, what's a good gaming PC to upgrade to? The reason I ask is because I'm currently using a Lenovo G50 with AMD Radeon graphics cards. A friend of mine and I had issues with AMD in the past, so I'm looking to switch to a...
  8. jd22292

    Games You're Recording?

    It's been a string of multiplayer with Garry's Mod Hide & Seek and Speedrunners. I still have to upload more Hide & Seek.
  9. jd22292

    Weird Games

    Although it was popular for a brief moment, Plug & Play. I'd also suggest There's Poop In My Soup. I'm playing it for a series on my channel and the in-game reactions turn into hilarity. Want PC tech jokes from Adult Swim Games? Try Jazzpunk.
  10. jd22292

    What's your favourite game?

    It has always been Pokemon for me. Although I'm only attached to the main series and not the side games.
  11. jd22292

    Offering MrTeamGuy will Shout Out your Gaming channel Most of my gameplay content is indie, multiplayer, or a mixture of both, but I also play some popular franchises that I find interesting. With commentary and some facecam, of course.
  12. jd22292

    Fun and Games Keep a word, Remove a word

    Jumping jackrabbits
  13. jd22292

    Gaming Trolling our AI companion on Speedrunners

    Fun fact: After I posted this video, I also said on Twitter that I could've also called this video "Bot is not love, Bot is not life." I didn't want to call it such, though, because I already referred to the bot for a previous part's title.
  14. jd22292

    Fun and Games Keep a word, Remove a word

    Office cubicle