Recent content by WeThe Bills

  1. WeThe Bills

    GFX Request Youtube Banner Request *Probably will pay for server*

    I'll be sure to message him, thanks!
  2. WeThe Bills

    GFX Request Youtube Banner Request *Probably will pay for service*

    Was wondering if anybody could create a youtube banner for me! Not picky with much but would like my name "WeTheBills" listed in the middle with my social media outlets listed twitter-RealWeTheBills [email protected] twitch-WeTheBills Like I said, not really picky all I really want is...
  3. WeThe Bills

    GFX Request Youtube Banner Request *Probably will pay for server*

    Was wondering if anybody could create a youtube banner for me! Not picky with much but would like my name "WeTheBills" listed in the middle with my social media outlets listed twitter-RealWeTheBills [email protected] twitch-WeTheBills Like I said, not really picky all I really want is...
  4. WeThe Bills

    What are your Fallout 4 Dream Mods?

    I seen some people over at IGN talking about their dream mods for Fallout 4, one person said that he would love to have jet packs without needing Power Armour and I was wondering what your guys "Dream Mod" for Fallout 4 would be? My Dream mod for Fallout 4 would be you can be an...
  5. WeThe Bills

    What games are you playing right now?

    I am recording Fallout, but I mostly play Fallout, CoD Bo3 & NBA 2K16
  6. WeThe Bills

    Gaming Introducing WeTheBills

    Your name: WeTheBills (Optional) Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada How did you find Freedom!?: Through a youtube video What made you join our forums?: Wanting to get more involved with the people and the community:) What are your hobbies?: Gaming, playing Basketball, having a fun and...