Search results

  1. Noahsark

    Gaming Does anyone play League of Legends?

    Looking for some League of Legends players to collaborate with. Must be on the EUW page. Link below to recent video, let me know if you are interested.
  2. Noahsark

    Gaming Leauge Of Legends - Why You Don't Pick OP Champs

    Newest video, trying to present these clips myself now just to get some practice and I think its going well. Let me know what you think :P
  3. Noahsark

    Gaming Took my editing to the next level

    So I'm a League of Legends content creator. One of millions, lol. Anyway I main Vel'Koz and have wanted to do a montage on this guy for a long time but I didn't want to ruin it with ****** editing. I now feel like I am at a place where I can edit to a decent level. So here is my creation. Pretty...
  4. Noahsark

    Gaming I'm Not Here To Take Part, I'm Here To Takeover....

    Looking for people to collaborate with! I've been away for far too long and in this time I've been doing some soul searching. I've realised that this is the only thing I want to do in my life and I will die trying to make it a success. I also realised that the best way for any of us to become a...
  5. Noahsark

    Gaming Quit My Studies To REALLY Chase Our Dream

    League of Legends ranked gameplay, against a bunch of penguins. During the game play I speak about me and how I've quit my studies to really give this content creating thing a shot. Let me know what you think and if you would have done the same.
  6. Noahsark

    Review4Review This is how you make LoL content The bravado title was only to drag you in here. Let me know what you think and do be scared to be brutally honest. I'm a thick skinned lad, I can take it lol. In your reply post a link to your channel and I'll check it out.
  7. Noahsark

    Why is everyone doing this?

    I always find it interesting to know why people spend all their spare time making videos that only a few hundred people might see. Like are you doing it for money, fame or just enjoyment? Personally my end game would be to make a comfortable living from making videos. If I go bigger than that...
  8. Noahsark

    Here is a fun fact: Youtube isn't making money Little read here for ya'll. Pretty much saying Youtube is only breaking even. This is a year old so things might have changed since then maybe they've made a profit.
  9. Noahsark

    PC Lets stop messing around here

    This goes out to all the League of Legends players and youtubers. Infact this goes out to everyone. What is the most watched game at the moment? That's right, League of Legends. You can go on pretty much any streaming platform and it will be the most watched game. So if you aren't a League of...
  10. Noahsark

    Gaming I'm a bit of a dig beal.

    I wish. Hey how's it going chaps and chappettes. New to Freedom! Looking forward to enjoying the company of other wannabees' My names Scott I run a gaming channel most orientated around League of Legends at the moment. I have an irrational fear of clowns and moths. Regards You friendly...