PC Lets stop messing around here


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Sunny Scotland
This goes out to all the League of Legends players and youtubers. Infact this goes out to everyone. What is the most watched game at the moment? That's right, League of Legends. You can go on pretty much any streaming platform and it will be the most watched game. So if you aren't a League of Legends Youtuber and you're messing around with Runescape or Warcraft II give it a rest and join the dark side lol. Plus, all the people who have made their money Keyori, Dunkey, Uberduck/danger or whatever he was called and Skywilliams are leaving because they've sucked League dry and can't make funny content anymore, so there is room at the top for us guys.

Anyway I digress. I'm looking for people to collab with in League of Legends. My style of editing is cutting out the funny things we say whilst playing and pasting it in to a highlight reel of hilarious moments. So far I've had reasonable success. In the past 3/4 months I've gained 200 subscribers and a favourable like to dislike ratio. I'm looking for people who have the same kind of content and want to collaborate.

I'll post a link to my channel once I've hit 5 posts and Freedom stop threatening me with death threats about posting a link before 5 posts lol.


The next big deal.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Sunny Scotland
Firstly... You need to find something you are passionate about when making videos. If you aren't passionate about the subject you're recording the viewers will see right through it. In my opinion anyway. Secondly the game is f*cking amazing. I'm addicted to it mate. When I'm not playing League of Legends I'm thinking about it lol. I think I have an issue. You'll have a long way to go before you can start playing competitively (you need to level to 30 before you can play ranked) but that doesn't make the 'journey' any less fun. Give it a shot and message me when you get to level 5. We'll go from there.

Brandon Woodard

Active Member
Oct 28, 2015
I play league and would like to play with others that record league. Add me on skype brandon.is.awesome also add me only if you are serious because I am trying very hard to make this a career.


New User
Aug 4, 2016
I would love to collab on League with ya. I just started up this channel as I now have a pc capable of recording stuff, and I want League to be a big part of my channel. But, as I just started it and haven't uploaded a video yet, i'm obviously super tiny. So I understand if you wouldn't want to collab