Search results

  1. MakePeaceNotWar24


    Hey guys i am looking for people to have fun with and make funny moments with on eathier Rainbow 6 siege, BO3 OR Star wars Battlefront. I like playing the objective but also having a good time and making funny moments. If you are having fun playing and your audience sees that they will like the...
  2. MakePeaceNotWar24

    VR Grow Channel with this collab

    Hey guys i am looking to do a different kind of collab. This collab would offer you a chance to upload a video on my channel. I dont really have time to upload like a want to because of me feeling sick and school and hospitals etc etc so to keep my channel active and to grow your channel you can...
  3. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Black ops 3 funny moments - Captian price, Tom Cruise & More Feedback

    Hey guys looking for feedback on this video i just did. I have not done any of these before so any feedback would be nice.
  4. MakePeaceNotWar24


    Hey guys i am looking for people to collab with on pc. Mostly conterstrike global offensive and on xbox i can collab on almost any game. I will most likely be playing black ops 3 sense thats what all my friends play and besides halo which i dont have yet i will be playing. if you would like to...
  5. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Unboxings & Reviews Loot Crate: Unboxing. October theme: Time

    Well my audio came from my computer which was doing the video i use a mac so obs was capturing it so it should of been in sync. And i have had this for about 4 months now i had them before but i barely uploaded them but just was like this seems like a cool one to upload. But i will look into...
  6. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Channel Trailer Feedback

    Got that intro from got that intro from they have tons of intros for i would say cheap
  7. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Channel Trailer Feedback

    Hey guys i finally made a channel trailer for my channel and i could use some feedback on my updated intro, outro, and tell me what you liked, didn't like about my channel trailer all feedback helps Here is the link.
  8. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Channel Review/More Activity

    Thanks man even though cod is becomming more dead each year maybe i can think of something. even if i post cod i feel unless i promote it good because my channel has been up and down for 3 years. i started a yr then took 9 months off because of my computer breaking then i did sub for sub and...
  9. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Channel Review/More Activity

    Well i mostly play like 3 games. Battlefield, cod and csgo. i know to get myself out their sticking to 1 or 2 games is best but i like to upload what i want and play games people like. like i dont want to be known as just a cod player or just a tutorial doer. I see tons of youtubers upload and...
  10. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Offering Critique

    i try my best to make my videos entertaining but i like to keep a variety of what i play to suit everybody. cant have a channel based off 1 game or 1 idea it will get old and just get old for you. But thanks for the feedback man.
  11. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Experience in Branding - I can tell you if your branding works and what to do if not!

    oh maybe i just never noticed bc they look normal to me but thanks man
  12. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Experience in Branding - I can tell you if your branding works and what to do if not!

    Thanks. i know a guy who does amazing work and it was worth the money and he is worth it all the way. Yeah i totally forgot about the about me lol i always say im going to do it then get side tracked. And my thumbnails are usually rushed bc i barely have time for videos so i just throw something...
  13. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Channel Review/More Activity

    Hey guys i could use some feedback on my channel. Maybe some tips to grow activity. I know my playlists need work and i need a channel trailer. I have been on youtube on and off for 3 years. over the past yr i have been more active. i have 461 subscribers but...
  14. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Yay! Free Channel Reviews!

    Hey man i could use some feedback on my channel. Maybe some tips to grow activity. i see you have just over 100 subs but get over 200 views. I know my playlists need work and i need a channel trailer.
  15. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Offering Critique

    Hey man i could use some feedback on my channel. Maybe some tips to grow activity. I know my playlists need work and i need a channel trailer.
  16. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Experience in Branding - I can tell you if your branding works and what to do if not!

    Hey man i could use some feedback on my channel. Maybe some tips to grow activity. I know my playlists need work and i need a channel trailer.
  17. MakePeaceNotWar24

    Post your channel and I'll review it. I'll sub if I really like it!

    Hey man i could use some feedback on my channel. Maybe some tips to grow activity. I know my playlists need work and i need a channel trailer.