audience retention

  1. Louisse Subido

    Educational Audience Retention

    It’s hard, it takes more work than you realize (most likely). But, it’s very possible. How? Focus on keyword research, relevancy and audience retention. Note, the video below mine in the black box is also Wil Dasovich's video. It has “the exact” keyword phrase for the title. It also had a HUGE...
  2. KuyasKorner

    YouTube How to interpret analytics. Audience retention suddenly drops.

    I recently uploaded a video of my experience at a con, and based on the analytics everything seemed to be going well and the average retention was holding at about 60%. Though, when it came to a part when I showed my face just to show who is recording these videos, the retention suddenly...
  3. KuyasKorner

    Audience retention

    I've been reviewing the analytics of my channel and some of the view counts I've been getting are between 1-7sec. Any tips on how to keep the audience interested in my videos? But I guess some of them are people that either have very short attention spans and want something in your face within...
  4. Mora Hannover

    Tips & Tricks The true method of success on Youtube! A solution to your problems

    PROBLEM I have seen many people complaining about them having above a 300 subs but views are going down. In fact we all suffered this problem, Well according to me, I was not always that active since my lifespan on youtube (3 years) , I didn't have the problem because I got my first 2k Views...