cod 2016

  1. K


    Hello which game do you think is better bo3 or iw?
  2. J

    Gaming MY COD CHANNEL!

    Trying to create a call of duty gaming channel! Im going to be uploading daily and if there are any videos you want to see let me know!! If you have tips on how I can grow I am also open to that!
  3. TheMLGenies

    Review4Review Competitive CoD

    I just recently started a series where I play through the ranks of the competitive CoD scene. Please review what you thought of the video.
  4. TheMLGenies

    Gaming PRO CoD Gameplay

    I just recently started a play through of competitive CoD Modern Warfare Remastered
  5. ThePugShow

    Twitter Header and Future Montages

    What's up guys? I'm Kyle The Pug and I am looking for an editor for two montages and also a gfx designer since my current gfx desginer is AWOL at the moment. The two montages are a purifier montage and the best of Kyle The Pug BO3 Montage. Not really trying spend any money for a editor since...
  6. Marchman_97

    Which do you think is going to be better?

    Call of Duty Black Ops 3 or Infinite Warfare? I know black ops is already out, but with trailers regarding IW make a hypothesis!
  7. Aytek_Hammer

    Gaming Hammer Here!!!

    I am a teenager who doesnt know what he wants to do with his life, and i would really like to make youtube my career. YouTube has changed my life and i never would have thought i would have been able to make it as far as i already have. If i could live off of youtube, my parents wouldnt be so...
  8. simjc

    Gaming COD Infinite Warfare Spoof Trailer

    With the all the recent hype about the upcoming Call of Duty title, I decided to create a spoof trailer prior to the official trailer coming out. I just wasn't going to jump on the bandwagon. I like to keep my channel distinctive. What are your thoughts? Sim