gta 5 collab

  1. D


    Whats up Freedom Family!!!!!! How are we all? I'm Good too thanks Obviously I'm a Tiny channel BUT please don't be put off of that!! I'm looking to create a group of people that record on ps4 on any game that anyone is on!! The group will be there to ask who is going to record and just hop on...
  2. TerrorDiscoveries

    Gaming Looking for someone to colab with (small youtuber)

    Hello guys! Im looking for someone to colab with GTA 5 mainly since that is what my channel is based on! Im on xbox one and my GT IS CHARLIELIME13! Thanks guys!
  3. TerrorDiscoveries

    Gaming Welcome to my channel

    hello guys ive just started on youtube (i started yesterday) and have 0 subscribers i have some views but yeah. If u guys could check me out i would really appreciate it.I upload GTA 5 content and i take a look at the myths and legends in the game! If u guys are interested then please check me...
  4. YoYoTran

    Gaming If you have over 1000 subscribers, get in here!

    "You make awesome contents!" "You deserve way more subs!" "Why does your channel have so little subscribers?" "Where have you been all this time!?" "I'm so glad I found your channel!" __Have anyone ever told you one of these things? __Have anyone called you "Senpai"? Which means there are...
  5. FifaPlaty

    XBox GTA 5, Fifa 16 or NBA2K16

    Hey guys, I mainly upload Fifa on my channel, but I also like to play GTA 5 and NBA2K16. If anyone wants to play some of these games with me, give me a shout! Maybe we can form a small group of people and play some GTA together? Let me know if anything sounds interresting! :)