Educational 10 Tips On Getting Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers

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Trong Nguyen

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 22, 2017
Việt Nam
I hope this helps You!

10 Tips On Getting Your First 1000 YouTube Subscribers:

  • There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a milestone with your videos. One important one is your first 1,000 subscribers. This is important because YouTube offers live streaming once you have achieved this milestone and you have an account in good standing .

    Getting more subscribers can seem like a difficult task, but I’ll share 10 tips to help you get your first 1,000 subscribers.

    1. Post Useful Content Consistently

    This is one of the most difficult things to do as a content creator. If you take a look around YouTube you might think that every video under the sun has been created and that is most likely true, but you can put your own spin on a popular topic. For example, there are many “unboxing” tech videos…what if you created a “reboxing” and talk about the various components of tech while you put it back in the box? The key here is creativity and that will certainly boost subscriptions.

    2. Name Your Videos Strategically

    One of the most difficult things is to name your video. You have the name in your head, but it may be something complex or too long. My rule is to keep it basic and use the YouTube autocomplete to name the video. There is nothing wrong with your video having the same name or something close to a popular video, as long as it’s relevant.

    3. Spruce Up Your Channel Design

    Most visitors first impression of you is from your channel and your design. This is where visitors interact and get to know what you are about. Create a engaging header and show off your brand. On my channel, we were intentional about our design making it fit into our overall branding strategy. The key takeaway is to design with purpose.

    4. Show Your Lighter Side

    Lighten up and laugh at yourself. Bloopers make you more human and show something different than an ordinary talking head video. Also, switch up the video and catch your viewers off guard so they don’t know what to expect.

    5. Shoot In Various Locations

    I believe that shooting in various locations can lead to more interest. I understand that may not be possible or you may have a set, but try to change a background or even use a green screen. Like the cliché says, “variety is the spice of life” so mix it up with your backgrounds and locations.

    6. Create A Custom Thumbnail

    I have seen my subscriptions and views increase by adding this step. I use impact font that is seen on many internet photos to grab attention and I format the photo using Adobe Photoshop.

    I usually title the photo thumbnail differently than the video because when people are scrolling through other videos to view, they can easily tell what my video is about.

    7. Use Annotations

    Annotations are those annoying things that pop up during videos, but they can be a content creator’s dream. I add annotations to every video and make it easy by creating a link for them to subscribe. This is extra work, but once you see your subscription rate increase you will continue to add them to every video.

    8. Ask For Subscribers

    This is very basic. At the end of every video ask viewers to “like” and subscribe to your channel. You should also tell them why they should subscribe, for example if you are a DIY Home Improvement channel I would say, “subscribe for my DIY projects, tricks and insider tips delivered to you weekly.” Remember, be careful what you ask for, because you might get it.

    9. Be Yourself

    You are the best you—you can be. Being on camera was difficult for me at first because I compared myself to others who are natural on camera talent then I realized, “I just have to be me.” Let your personality shine in your videos and I guarantee someone will connect with you.

    10. Create An Engaging Channel Trailer

    With the new channel design, YouTube gives content creators a great opportunity to create a trailer to share what your content is about. Have you ever attended a movie without viewing a trailer? Not me, because you want to see what it is about. Keep your trailer under 90 seconds and show scenes from your other videos and provide a strong call to action of why a viewer should become a subscriber.

    Keep people coming back by putting some effort into your videos. Did you notice I didn’t mention any technical details about lighting, audio and composition? This is because I assume you should know that already. The more comfortable you are on camera the more subscribers you can get. It may take a while, but you can do it.

    What other methods do you use to get subscribers on YouTube? Leave in the comments below.
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DogMan Dan

Gamer/Content Creator
Freedom! Member
Couple things here and not to be rude but, this is a obvious copy/paste job and before posting an article you should read through it first.

Some points still hold true and have for years, some things are not even available anymore on the platform, and the topic might be more believable if you were past 1000 subs yourself.

This is like when someone with 20 subs on YouTube makes a video about how to grow your channel to 1 million subs fast!! Just does not work.


New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 3, 2017
I like the points you made, but whats your opinion on just making content you find decent and enjoy putting up?

Anthony Smith

Believe it or not, I believe in you!
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
I agree with Dan.
Annotations haven't been a thing in years and that was a huge tip off that this was not your writing. That coupled with the hyperlinks not checking out is a dead giveaway.
oh, here's the original written in 2013 for Tubular Insights I just found it for those interested.

I'm not trying to "dog" you for sharing this information but it would have been much nicer to hear your thoughts on the points in that article than to see you straight up copy/pasting it and taking credit for yourself.

These boards are supposed to be about discussion and perspective. it's tough to get that without your actual insights, and opinions, friend :)

DogMan Dan

Gamer/Content Creator
Freedom! Member
I just want to share the article for beginners like me, besides having no other purpose.
There is a big difference with sharing "your own" and outright stealing a full article from 4 years ago and pushing it off as if it is your own. Plagiarize information when writing an article or creating a paper and see how far that gets you in either school or as a professional! Next time you want to post make sure you quote the article, check to update the article information correctly.

As well I can't say this enough it makes no sense to post information about something you have not actually achieved when trying to educate others on how to achieve it!

Would have been as simple as hey guys here are some things I have done to achieve getting my first 1000 subscribers and then post the tips with some information on each as to how and why it helped/worked, again not plagiarizing someone else/s article entirely.

well you know people here just like to nick pick and prove people wrong.

I don't get satisfaction out of nitpicking and proving others wrong, I simply want to see educational information written properly and truthfully making actually helpful to others. We have enough people in the media already who are happy to provide fake and stolen information.
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Redd Sunn72

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 21, 2017
There is a big difference with sharing "your own" and outright stealing a full article from 4 years ago and pushing it off as if it is your own. Plagiarize information when writing an article or creating a paper and see how far that gets you in either school or as a professional! Next time you want to post make sure you quote the article, check to update the article information correctly.

As well I can't say this enough it makes no sense to post information about something you have not actually achieved when trying to educate others on how to achieve it!

Would have been as simple as hey guys here are some things I have done to achieve getting my first 1000 subscribers and then post the tips with some information on each as to how and why it helped/worked, again not plagiarizing someone else/s article entirely.

I don't get satisfaction out of nitpicking and proving others wrong, I simply want to see educational information written properly and truthfully making actually helpful to others. We have enough people in the media already who are happy to provide fake and stolen information.
now i dont think their intent was trying to mislead, instead of some of you guys being dicks about it, you could have simply said the information is outdated but here is another way of looking at it, or here is some updated info. But, I digress.
heck, if you going come off as a jerk, or something else alongs those lines you right as well not even reply to a post.. lets stop the unnecessary negativity in all forms, and actually help each other. I feel sorry for you bro.



Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
Some of the information you've provides is out of date like other people have pointed out by now.

Honestly, in my opinion you can't say "oh you have to have 1k subs to do this and that" -- Just cos u think that due you having 16k subs gives you no more application to be a **** about it, everyone has their own form to help others out, subs has nothing to do with, hell, I can have 0 subs, make a video about it, and then advertise the video via adwords and gain millions views via that, applying that you need 1k subs to share information is simply put, stupid and false
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DogMan Dan

Gamer/Content Creator
Freedom! Member
now i dont think their intent was trying to mislead, instead of some of you guys being dicks about it, you could have simply said the information is outdated but here is another way of looking at it, or here is some updated info. But, I digress.
heck, if you going come off as a jerk, or something else alongs those lines you right as well not even reply to a post.. lets stop the unnecessary negativity in all forms, and actually help each other. I feel sorry for you bro.

LMAO if someone can't handle the criticism of others than they should not create threads and honestly should not be on YT either because that is what it all comes down to in the end anyway.


Some of the information you've provides is out of date like other people have pointed out by now.

Honestly, in my opinion you can't say "oh you have to have 1k subs to do this and that" -- Just cos u think that due you having 16k subs gives you no more application to be a **** about it, everyone has their own form to help others out, subs has nothing to do with, hell, I can have 0 subs, make a video about it, and then advertise the video via adwords and gain millions views via that, applying that you need 1k subs to share information is simply put, stupid and false

Never "IMPLIED" you need 1k subs to share information, however sharing information on how to get 1k subs when clearly you do not have them has a negative impact on the point of the post to begin with.

Still it is a fully plagiarized article and astonishes me that no one is concerned about that at all.
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Redd Sunn72

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 21, 2017
Never "IMPLIED" you need 1k subs to share information, however sharing information on how to get 1k subs when clearly you do not have them has a negative impact on the point of the post to begin with.

Still it is a fully plagiarized article and astonishes me that no one is concerned about that at all.
dude you are missing the point. I'm literally starting to feel sorry for you and the ones around you.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
Never "IMPLIED" you need 1k subs to share information, however sharing information on how to get 1k subs when clearly you do not have them has a negative impact on the point of the post to begin with.

Still it is a fully plagiarized article and astonishes me that no one is concerned about that at all.

Negative impact? I mean, are you okay?
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DogMan Dan

Gamer/Content Creator
Freedom! Member
dude you are missing the point. I'm literally starting to feel sorry for you and the ones around you.

Negative impact? I mean, are you okay?

Now both of you consistently arguing with me is turning this supposedly helpful article into complete nonsense, but hey keep it up I am happy to respond and offer my thoughts as you each keep quoting me. Apparently my comments are really getting to you guys on some crazy level.

I still stand by the fact that this was completely plagiarized, out of date, and not even checked before the OP posted it. A number of these tips useful/applicable anymore with the changes that YouTube has made over the past 4 years since the original article was written. Many of these were topics I discussed back than when many were with another network and were spending much time helping that community grow as well.

Without a doubt I have more knowledge on all these points discussed than many others here working at/helping with several networks creating campaigns & opportunities to teach/help others communicate as well as grow their channel successfully over various social media.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
If you know so much, then why are you part of Freedom? Oh it's cos it gives you the opportunities and campaigns for FREE While YouTube actually pays for them, so you basically leech off from a 3rd party network to earn money and get these opportunities and campaigns for free, just cos you have 16k subs doesn't mean you might have more acknowledge/knowledge when it comes to this, PewDiePie can share same tips like 10k person can, why? He has achieved that well before you have, he has 35mil subs or more and he recently made a video about how to become big on YouTube, ALL THE GENERAL STUFF YOU SEE SHARED BY EVERYONE, there is no need to make thousands of threads, thousands of videos about same thing, hard work pays off with everything......

you don't know anything more than anyone who is with 1 sub and has done research, so keep your "knowledge" to yourself, mate
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Redd Sunn72

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 21, 2017
Now both of you consistently arguing with me is turning this supposedly helpful article into complete nonsense, but hey keep it up I am happy to respond and offer my thoughts as you each keep quoting me. Apparently my comments are really getting to you guys on some crazy level.

I still stand by the fact that this was completely plagiarized, out of date, and not even checked before the OP posted it. A number of these tips useful/applicable anymore with the changes that YouTube has made over the past 4 years since the original article was written. Many of these were topics I discussed back than when many were with another network and were spending much time helping that community grow as well.

Without a doubt I have more knowledge on all these points discussed than many others here working at/helping with several networks creating campaigns & opportunities to teach/help others communicate as well as grow their channel successfully over various social media.
as i stated you are missing the main point, but more power to you and i wish you the best.
Last edited:

DogMan Dan

Gamer/Content Creator
Freedom! Member
If you know so much, then why are you part of Freedom? Oh it's cos it gives you the opportunities and campaigns for FREE While YouTube actually pays for them, so you basically leech off from a 3rd party network to earn money and get these opportunities and campaigns for free, just cos you have 16k subs doesn't mean you might have more acknowledge/knowledge when it comes to this, PewDiePie can share same tips like 10k person can, why? He has achieved that well before you have, he has 35mil subs or more and he recently made a video about how to become big on YouTube, ALL THE GENERAL STUFF YOU SEE SHARED BY EVERYONE, there is no need to make thousands of threads, thousands of videos about same thing, hard work pays off with everything......

you don't know anything more than anyone who is with 1 sub and has done research, so keep your "knowledge" to yourself, mate

PDP is also part of a major network that is basically how things work on YT. I am part of Freedom because I choose to be part of it. I was here when it first started out and even worked with Anthony Smith on many programs before he convinced me to come and join Freedom. I was a employee with him working on social media programs when he started his subnetwork.. Years ago I had no subs but I learned and shared many different ways to grow and yes 16k subs is actually a solid sized channel. 1% of the creators on YT will actually every make it to a PDP size but that does not mean many others are not successful. I have made a solid ROI on my creation for years now, am involved in the industry with several AAA & Indie developers as well as several PR firms.

I certainly know how to grow consistently year over year as well as in the industry but I am sure you know more than I do!
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