PC 200 Sub Brawlhalla Tournament!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Game: Brawlhalla
Platform: PC
Number of People: As much as possible
Timezone: UTC +01:00
Age: Think above 18. Cause bad words.
Mission: To have a huge Tournament
Subscribers: 201
Link to Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbf5njqWrTknA_tYD7HnEQ

So we have reach 200 subs! And we wanted to celebrate. By holding a Brawlhalla tournament with youtubers. So i want to gather as much as possible. And just have brackets and have a big, fun tournament. Complete with casting if possible. So if you want in, leave a comment here, or send me a PM. And i will write you down on the list of: Count me in!
If you want to contribute to this tournament, i can always use help with preperations. Also, i am thinking about a prize for the winner. But i have to think about that one.
So what do you guys think? Are you down to brawl? On the very first Derp Cage Brawlhalla Fest?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
EDIT: Okay everybody. So the tournament is in a week. Here is how its gonna go down. At 6 o clock, you can gather on a teamspeak channel if you desire to talk and/or chat with eachother. The server is: thederpcage.teamspeak.de Just go to the Brawlhalla Spectator Channel and you can hang out there untill your match begins. When the match is starting, Myself and my co-caster will join the match, kill ourselfs and watch the match. (We do this so we can follow the match live instead of having a delay when specating in the game.) Then you can move to the Brawlhalla Match Channel. The tournament will be livestreamed at: http://twitch.tv/thedailygrinding

If you have any questions, let me know.