Solved A few questions of my questions. Please help

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New User
Feb 3, 2016
- Hello everybody.
- This is the first time I participated in freedom. There are some things I still do not fully understand that hope to receive your support. I am a Vietnam so the ability to speak English is not very good I hope you sympathize.
- The first question: In the panel of freedom has a section called World News. I view the item has the latest videos on news the world. I have used the videos on my channel.
- Question 2: I have registered to participate in the network freedom and follow all the requirements why I have not been activated in the console channel and get invited to the networking requirements.
- Question 3: In the panel there is a new feature Your Youtube Story. What is this for you.
- Question 4: After registering to wait how long they are invited to join the network announced. When registering for the freedom you have to ask about the life channel, subscribers, and the views are not.

We hope to receive help from you
Your custom ID: 1210614
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