Community About Me (Bassed It)


New User
Feb 2, 2016
Hi, my name is Robert and I am a 13 year old boy, and I have a YouTube channel with 400 subscribers. I have had a not bad life, but not the perfect life. So we will start when I was little I lied in a house where my brother and I had my own room and my dad and mom had their room. One day my dad for no reason tried to beat my mom and luckily she got out of there along with my brother and I. But my mom didn't want him arrested because she really, really loves him and they dont want to be split up. Another complication with my parents happened in the car when we were on our way home we were passing CVS and then they started to argue, so my dad got mad and got out of the car and walked home. One last time my dad did it again beat my mom and gave her a bruise on her arm, I know its nothing totally extravagant, but its still a big deal because no guy should ever hit a girl, but we went to a safe place and we called the cops for him to have a talk and after that my life has been fine other than just struggling a little with money and stuff like that, but other than hat my life is fine.

My goal on YouTube is to make 10,000 subscribers, that is all I want and if I an get that I will literally be the happiest man in the world. Right now I have over 400 subs and are hoping to keep going. So if you could just check my channel out that would be amazing.
I post music that I listen to or like to listen to.

My goals for High School, next year is to make it into the tech school and go for culinary. My dream job is to be the FaZe house chef and be with the biggest gaming club in the world. I found out about Freedom my friend he said it was amazing so IM was like okay. I joined and now look at me at 400 subs.