Gaming An Introduction.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Name: TheDragonBoots
Location: The Interwebs. Or United States
How I found Freedom: I found Freedom by living in the USA, jk. I was searching for some partnerships for my tiny channel, really to protect against false copyright claims.
Why I joined Forums: The George Show!
Hobbies: Gaming, Swimming, Eating, Sleep
Fav Food: I don't really have one.
Why I joined YouTube: To share my experiences in games, not for fame or money.
Dream: To edit videos, create videos, create my own game, or atleast work with/on computers. (I dream so high.. woo..)
Content I Upload/Type Of Channel: Currently I only have Gaming videos up, but i cant to branch out into skits, parody songs, or game coding.

Schedule (In EST) (-5 GMT)
Saturday-Sunday: Main Recording
Sunday-Monday: Video Editing and Rendering
Tuesday through Friday: Uploading about 4:30-5pm

*Due to change with uploading issues, some videos may not come out on days.