Service Anyone want free Minecraft YouTube start up?

Hey guys! Its Con, and today I want to do free things for you! I want to model and pose your minecraft character. You may be asking, Con, why are you doing this? And the answer is, I need stuff to post of my new Graphics channel, ConGraphics. So, I decided, what better way to start it off then to give away FREE GRAPHICS?!? All you need to do to enter is contact me on Skype at condoesmc and give me your Minecraft in-game name, and a link to your channel! I will be picking 5 lucky people that will get their skin modeled! This will be random, so there is no certain guarantee you will win, but you can try your hardest! If you want more entries, make a shoutout to me on Twitter @xx_conplays Twitch.TV: xx_conplays or on YouTube at Thanks! - Con