Service Request Can you give me feedback if i am going on the right direction?


Rising User
Jan 24, 2016
Hello guys

I hope you can help me, i want to mention this is in no way a promotion.
I just want to ask if you could give me feedback on editing & if i am going in the right direction in entertainment.
I would love it, thank you very much <3 Every feedback either its bad or good is appreciated! :)
The video i want feedback on is linked here :)



Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2015
I just watched your channel introduction, and I can honestly say I have no idea what your channel is about. You guys seemed to be having fun, which is good, but I honestly had no clue what was going on. The camera quality wasn't the best, but I think most of that was because of the lighting. You don't need to have the best lighting, but it REALLY helps if you just turn the light on when you record. I was squinting to try and see what was going on pretty much the whole video. I really liked the intro. I don't care for the music that's with it, but that's just my personal preference.

I think you need to figure out what you want to do with your channel and make that a little bit clearer in your videos. From what I saw, it was just you and some friends hanging out. Next, I recommend getting better lighting. Recording in the dark is never a good idea. Last, I would say work on your commentary a bit.
Hope that helps :)
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Rising User
Jan 24, 2016
I just watched your channel introduction, and I can honestly say I have no idea what your channel is about. You guys seemed to be having fun, which is good, but I honestly had no clue what was going on. The camera quality wasn't the best, but I think most of that was because of the lighting. You don't need to have the best lighting, but it REALLY helps if you just turn the light on when you record. I was squinting to try and see what was going on pretty much the whole video. I really liked the intro. I don't care for the music that's with it, but that's just my personal preference.

I think you need to figure out what you want to do with your channel and make that a little bit clearer in your videos. From what I saw, it was just you and some friends hanging out. Next, I recommend getting better lighting. Recording in the dark is never a good idea. Last, I would say work on your commentary a bit.
Hope that helps :)
Thank you very much! I really appreciate this feedback and will find out what will be the best to do on the channel, if it going to be gaming or vlog or what instead of randomised stuff which confused everyone.

I agree with your post, and will keep that in mind :)!