Request Channel review

Artsy Irvine

Active Member
Freedom! Member
1. Intro
You've been using the same intro for over a year now. And I really think that it could be improved or revamped.
The colors don't really match, and it's a bit too long. Intros are what entice people to watch the rest of the video. It needs to be eye-catching.
Something they would watch over and over again. I suggest intros to be at most 5 seconds, because a long intro will lead people to skip ahead to your video, and you lose watchtime.

2. Channel Trailer
Take advantage of the channel trailer slot on your youtube page, with a real channel trailer. You might have been losing potential subscribers just because they don't exactly know what you upload.

If you think my feedback was useful, please take a moment to view my channel as well. Thanks! ;)