Request Could you help me improve my channel?

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
Firstly, you need to set some content on your channel's landing page. When I visit it, it says "this channel has no content". I do see you have some videos, so those along with a short channel trailer would be good to have on the home page for new visitors to see.

As for the video quality, your voice needs to BOOM over any music in the background, and yours doesn't. Turn one thing down or the other up. Invest in a better mic when you have the means as well.

You could do with better thumbnails.

You could do with more editing. People value content that has more time put into it (usually) so if you edit your videos down to more concentrated and entertaining content thats jam packed with things to keep the viewer watching, you're on the right track. I'm still learning to do this myself.
