Entertainment DylanTheGreat - Minecraft Gaming And Animation


New User
Feb 3, 2017
Hey whats up freedom! It's DylanTheGreat here and I am proud to present my YouTube channel to you all!
I am from Northern Virginia (US) I am 13 and I found freedom through my friend Liam! His channel is FreakingChicken and i would love to thank him for telling me! I got A MASSIVE sub boost 2 weeks ago when one of my YouTube videos got 3000 views! I went from 60 subs to 130 subs and I wanted to know how I can continue the gaining of subscribers I was getting. I looked it up on freedom because I knew they were reliable so I watched there video. I found lots of evidence people were loving this forum so I decided to join! I like a ham and egg pie called quiche! you should REALLY try it. I started YouTube when me and my friends were having a good time playing games and what ended up happening almost every time we played, was we had really funny commentary and I realized how much of a good quality that was to have! When I turned 13 I started YouTube and got 20 subs in 2 weeks! My biggest dream is to grow up and code websites like my Dad for the Government! I Run a really fun gaming and animation channel. I have started working with other big animators and joined a large community of popular animators! I upload every 3 days MAX so you can expect 2-3 videos a week! For a 13 year old I think I have a great upload and recording schedule and I manage my school work well with ALL honors and A-A+'s Every quarter. If I don't upload in 3 days supposed something happened with my schoolwork or I had a problem with my Family! I hope you enjoy my YouTube channel! Bye!

DylanTheGreat Background.jpg

Ferno the Knight

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 8, 2014
Welcome to Freedom! What kind of animations do you create? Sounds great that you decided that your going to follow in your dads footsteps. I've tried taking classes in creating websites before however it was too difficult for me to keep track of all the codes and commands to get the result I was looking for. I wish you luck in that regard but with your A grades and honors I'm sure you'll be fine. Looks like you got your channel all figured out, keep it up!