VR First Order Entertainment | Partnering | Collabs | Easy Shout Outs | Hiring GFX, Editors, Video PPL|


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania
Welcome to the First Order Entertainment LLC (FOE). To make things quick and simple we will categorize all the things for you to easily find.

Shout Outs
Shout outs for FOE are very simple. Instead of having to sub, comment and follow for a year just to get one shout out...or just for the chance, WE have a better idea. Follow these simple steps and you've gotten yourself a Shout Out.
  1. Find a video you enjoy and believe others will enjoy just as much. (Should be every video you post)
  2. Email us at [email protected], Send us the link to the video and your channel logo.
    From there our editorial staff will review your video and decide if we should upload it as your shout out or not
  3. You will receive a reply stating wither or not your video will be uploaded as a Shout Out to your channel. We do it by posting your video and having your logo at the end for people to go and subscribe to your channel.
Simple right? Well there's more, if we like your video a lot we may offer to partner you or even have you join our staff. Even if you're not asked to join, you still have the benefit of knowing that if you send more videos in, your videos will have a higher priority to be uploaded on FOE.
(Notice) No Vlogs, Reviews, or most recently Dance videos.

Collaborations are something we are trying now as a company. We are searching for people willing for work as Co-Hosts or even Hosts to videos. In return the videos made with you are uploaded to your channel, but it must keep the FOE intro or that show's intro when you upload it. I would list the shows that we are going to do, but that ruins the surprise. If you're interested you can message us on Freedom! or email us at [email protected] and subject it as "Collabs". You can get more details there.


Partners is something new to FOE. We only accept people who are a part of Freedom!. From there being a partner can mean you're from Twitch, YouTube or any other video site. By partnering with us you get access to help and tips from our staff. That includes Social Media, Editorial, Business Law, Business Management, and even Graphics.
What do we get? We get rights to use anything that is a part of your channel for promotional purposes. THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE OWN YOUR VIDEOS OR CHANNEL, WE DO NOT AND NEVER WILL! (unless you give it to us for some reason) When you're a partner you also can upload to FOE and even join in on videos being done by staff.

We are an ever growing group. We are in need of more Video Editors, GFX Creators, Video Personas, and Social Media Managers.
For all the jobs, You may also be a YouTube Content Creator in which you will get access to everything of FOE to use for videos. Editing software, Graphics, Music, and more! NO PAYMENTS, Except for GFX creators (Read below on details)

Video Editors
Video Editors will assist with partners and staff of FOE in creating videos. This does not mean they edit videos for partners. Your main job as a Video Editor is to edit videos sent in to FOE and to help give tips to Partners and staff. Simple, in a way. You need to be sure you have things done on time and uploaded to FOE.

GFX Creators
As a GFX creator, your job would be to make logos, intros, outros, and other graphics of any sort. Now we understand that some GFX creators can only do picture or video graphics, and that is fine. We are hiring any kind of GFX creator. More details will be explained when you apply as a specific GFX creator. Now as payment, all graphics creators get the same benefits as other staff except that the business department will assist in sponsoring you to other channels to sell you out to other people. You would charge an individual and at payment FOE and you will have a set %. That % will be discussed during your hire. We will work with you and not overload you. "Happy workers make a happy business." (I know it sounds corny but it's true.)

Video Personas
Video personas are most commonly made as Partners of FOE and not staff. Sometimes you can be so good we want you in most of our videos. As a Video Persona you work with the core management of FOE and help in the creation of videos for us. In all it is like a full collaboration with a group. Some of the current management started as Video Personas for FOE.

Social Media Managers
As a Social Media Manager you work with all of FOEs social media. That means Facebook, Twitter, YouTube comments, Twitch, and even here on Freedom. Unlike most the jobs of FOE you work mainly for the owner, though you do have a director for Social Media. Your job is to keep all the social media active and keep FOE connected with it's followers and fans. Our Company depends on them. So you as a SMM are the First Important Cog to this company.

If you are interested in any of these jobs or if you have any questions, send us an email [email protected]
or message us here on Freedom!
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