
New User
Feb 3, 2016
I've always loved games since I was small. It was a method I used to be in my imagination world and since then I haven't stopped. Because of my love for games I started a youtube channel called serious gamer LINK( ) I play FPS games such as Rainbow Six Siege, Call of duty and Destiny. I also am a amazing FIFA player and Love GTA V. If you also believe you are better than me be sure to challenge me by contacting me on youtube because I would love to make a youtube series where I play against other youtubers and record it. I will be uploading ALL DLC content available for siege and COD BO3 and will play other games as well. Also, if you liked the division beta and can't wait for the division make sure you subscribe as I will be releasing more the Division videos and purchasing the game the day it is released. Hope you guys like my story and make sure you check out my channel and subscribe.