Free Games for the Freedom! Family


Mythic User
Hi #FreedomFamily! Stef is back again to bring you all more free stuff in the newly re-branded GG (Game Giveaways) in the shiny Freedom! Dashboard. In today's video Stef will be talking about about the GG system and how it's evolving and more importantly how you as a Freedom! Partner can use it. Please click this link to get started.

Welcome to Game Giveaways
This is where Freedom! builds relationships with game developers, giving you exclusive, FREE, access to review copies and other software!

Game Giveaways Rules:
  • You must maintain a 2/3 (reviews/keys claimed ratio), meaning for every 3 keys claimed you must produce 2 relevant video reviews or you would not be able to claim any more games.
  • Videos are manually reviewed for relevancy, submitting an irrelevant video would NOT count towards your reviews/keys claimed ratio.
  • Read and understand what each title expects out of a review before requesting a key.
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Reactions: Row


New User
Nov 25, 2015
I can't withdraw anymore games because I spent so long on a doorways the underworld video and now i only have a 1 out of 2 record, and can't redeem myself. Bit annoying because I have made 4 videos on Doorways the Underworld, but nope. Freedom says no.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I can't withdraw anymore games because I spent so long on a doorways the underworld video and now i only have a 1 out of 2 record, and can't redeem myself. Bit annoying because I have made 4 videos on Doorways the Underworld, but nope. Freedom says no.
Contact Support, they'll fix that up for ya.

Mighty Turtle

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2016
So. I don't do reviews, I do lets plays, does that count, or do I just need to say my thoughts on the game at the end??

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
So. I don't do reviews, I do lets plays, does that count, or do I just need to say my thoughts on the game at the end??
Each game might have slightly different criteria that they may want you to mention in the video. Typically these don't have to be a straight up review video as long as you mention the points they want you to you can make the video however you want.
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Reactions: Mighty Turtle

Mighty Turtle

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2016
awesome thank you. I'll have a look tonight
Each game might have slightly different criteria that they may want you to mention in the video. Typically these don't have to be a straight up review video as long as you mention the points they want you to you can make the video however you want.