Gaming Funny moments Partner??


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 24, 2016
Real talk, I don't care about the amount of subscribers you have or whatever, and I hope people that collab with me don't come in with the same mindset. Just want to have a good time and play some fun games, and that doesn't include Minecraft heh

- Australian internet
- (It's already hard enough to use Australian internet, let alone connecting with another country. Also timezone would be much easier that way, but if you can't reach this reqirement, then just hit me up anyway and we'll give it a test run.)
- Decent Mic
- Discord or Skype ( Plembi#4800 ) <--- Discord username (Add me)
- The ability to take jokes and not get butt hurt over little insults, not like I really insult people anyway. Only good banta.
- Quality videos
(Of course, I'm going to have to check your channel to see if our content are similar and our style is somewhat similar, and same thing goes for me. Please, don't walk into this collaboration blindly)
- Age: 15+
-PC or Ps4 or Both

If you reach these requirements, then im available on (Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu) at 4:00pm Australian time
and maybe (Fri,Sat,Sun) depending on what my family is doing. My Skype: (Ignore my 12 year old self, and the cringy bloody name) UHM, if you can't find me, than just provide your skype account below.

Games I play on Computer:
CSGO -experienced
Far Cry 4 -inexperienced
GTA 5 -inexperienced
Rocket League -experienced
Roblox -experienced
League of Legends -very inexperienced
Team Fortress -Experienced
Aura Kingdom -inexperienced
Osu -experienced

Honestly, just looking for people to have a good time with. Whether that's when we're recording a video or not. I've been thirsting for a partner in crime. Let us raid the YouTube community by storm. Again, don't do it for the views or subs. Keep it real and let's do it for the entertainment people :)


Rising User
Jan 21, 2017
Hey i do youtube not big just started but got lots of feed back from fans add me on skype Jasen.park1 and we could work together