Review4Review Gaming Channel Review


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 25, 2014
Ok so I like the channel intro even though it takes a bit until I find out what your channel is about.
The thumbnails could use some work as I noticed you don't use the custom thumbnail feature for every video and just use the random thumbnail generated by youtube,so you should consider doing that to make your channel and videos look more professional and get your identification across.
The last thing I would have to say is at the start of your video make around a 5 sec clip from your video that was the most exciting/funny/etc...moment in it as it will make the viewer want to watch the whole video to find out what happened.
Apart from that I didn't notice anything else,hopefully it will be some use to you.

Kevin Budiman

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Mar 30, 2016
For logo : Nice and simple :D like it
for channel art : Dang nice job on it :) its really tell u wat channel it is
for thumbnail : agreed with mr solid.. use custom thumbnail..make it not that full yet good and click baiting
for the videos : hmm u live stream much huh ._. rarely seen this tbh.. but saw one of the intro and it takes 12 sec lol it was too long
facecam and audio looks nice :) but personally, people need tiem to watch videos liek 2 hours+ long