PC Gaming Partners Wanted


Respected User
Jun 1, 2016
hi im MKS37LOTUS, my channel is www.youtube.com/MKS37LOTUS, my 2 newest videos as of today are not like my regular videos because one was for a job and one was just a weird fan art, but the rest are my typical videos which are funny moments and many other types of gaming content, i also do tutorials, create logos(any graphic design or intros and outros), and create films. I created my youtube channel about 3 or 4 years ago and this year i have been trying to grow, which i have, i upload once a week, i always have a video to be uploaded that week because i edit in advance and wait for the time to upload the video. i gain about 20 subscribers a week as of right now. I get good reviews off the content i make, very high quality, as i do edit at least 20-30 hours on each video, not really raw footage, my gaming videos are compared to vanossgaming videos. and as of right now i have 322 subscribers. i play any game really on steam, so im up for any game. just some how just trying to help a friend and myself into success :)

15 years old
skype: mks37lotuspc
have the games u listed but town of salem
im ok with adult language
i record on youtube and sometimes stream on youtube

Gaming with friends or randoms, or by myself

these videos are some other content i work on other than collaborations with gaming



Respected User
Freedom! Member
  • What's your current timezone? mountain time
  • How old are you? 15
  • Do you have Skype? yuperooni
  • Do you record onto YouTube (or) do live streams on Twitch? yeas, sir
  • Are you ok with adult language? (this includes some jokes that may be offensive to some people, swearing, etc) **** ya
  • Do you prefer video-for-video collabs or P-O-V collabs? (read below to see what the difference is) sure m8
  • is,.. is that it? sweet
You didn't answer the last question correctly. Also, what is your Skype? (you can PM it to me if you rather not say it out loud)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
What's your current timezone? amsterdam, europe
  • How old are you? 15 year
  • Do you have Skype? yup (live:dylan.smit)
  • Do you record onto YouTube (or) do live streams on Twitch? record on YT
  • Are you ok with adult language? (this includes some jokes that may be offensive to some people, swearing, etc) off course
  • Do you prefer video-for-video collabs or P-O-V collabs? (read below to see what the difference is) POV
  • GMT, but I am available at anytime any-day unless I'm sleeping or in school...
  • I am 16
  • My skype is EnderGamingFilms
  • I record onto YouTube
  • I'm fine with adult language
  • I prefer anything P-O-V, Video-for-Video. It's doesn't really matter to me. :) (No preference)
I have been looking for a group of gaming for a while now and I hope you accept me into your :D
You have both been accepted and you will both get added on Skype shortly


Respected User
Freedom! Member
hi im MKS37LOTUS, my channel is www.youtube.com/MKS37LOTUS, my 2 newest videos as of today are not like my regular videos because one was for a job and one was just a weird fan art, but the rest are my typical videos which are funny moments and many other types of gaming content, i also do tutorials, create logos(any graphic design or intros and outros), and create films. I created my youtube channel about 3 or 4 years ago and this year i have been trying to grow, which i have, i upload once a week, i always have a video to be uploaded that week because i edit in advance and wait for the time to upload the video. i gain about 20 subscribers a week as of right now. I get good reviews off the content i make, very high quality, as i do edit at least 20-30 hours on each video, not really raw footage, my gaming videos are compared to vanossgaming videos. and as of right now i have 322 subscribers. i play any game really on steam, so im up for any game. just some how just trying to help a friend and myself into success :)

15 years old
skype: mks37lotuspc
have the games u listed but town of salem
im ok with adult language
i record on youtube and sometimes stream on youtube

Gaming with friends or randoms, or by myself

these videos are some other content i work on other than collaborations with gaming

You have been accepted and will be added on Skype shortly. Just a small tip though... you dont need to many videos on your profile. XD


Respected User
Freedom! Member
last question answer meant both are fine, and my skype is thecybergrape
Well then... you are accepted. :) you'll be added on Skype shortly. However, I'm taking July off from recording and whatnot to plan for a modded Minecraft series... which will be starting in August. So I won't be doing any collabs til August. Just thought I'd let you know
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