Gaming Hello everyone! :) I am new to YouTube.


New User
Freedom! Member
Nov 2, 2015
Hello Freedom! family

My name is Jeremy (JemOMyne is my YouTube name though) and I live in the great state of Michigan. I am currently 19 years old. I ran across Aura Network (powered by Freedom!) by looking at some different networks I could join and that is the network I decided to go with. I joined this forum so I could connect with other members of the Freedom! family and maybe even find friends to make YouTube videos with. Gaming and now YouTube are my current hobbies although I would like to turn YouTube into a full time career at some point. I started YouTube because I wanted to record myself doing what I love, gaming, and I want to be an entertainer. My biggest dream is (as I said earlier) getting enough money to afford to be YouTube full time. I currently run a random gaming/ let's play channel. I upload let's play videos and some footage of random games that look fun to me. I try to upload at least once a day sometimes more but I have no set time. If you want to check out my channel you can find it here:

If you are interested in finding someone to make gaming videos with please message me on YouTube or leave a reply here.

Thank you for your time,



Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Welcome To Freedom! :D

Pretty nice niche to go for on YouTube gaming , well its my favorite type of gaming channel , but that's only me. However, i think that your channel really got potential , it got the quality , the consistency , and for a start , you got some good graphics :D all you need is development , or constant development in terms of commentary maybe lossin up a little bit and add some energy to your commentary which creates more engagement to your videos in terms of watch time! :D

Also , i liked that you skipped on the officials which is the music intro to videos , i don't know why its more catchy to have an intro with your own words than a music background with a channel's name going around the screen , but it really is :D

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Reactions: JemOMyne


New User
Freedom! Member
Nov 2, 2015
Hey man what systems do you play on?
Hey man, I apologize for being so late. :( I have been crazy focused on my channel since I have started that I forgot that youtube is also a community as well not just a place to upload videos. I actually started posting every other day now so I can improve the quality of my videos. I also have done a little rebranding. I have a facecam now and do let's plays of games and also do one offs. I am new to the whole facecam thing and still pretty new to Youtube so any tips for improvements are great. :) To answer your question, I play on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Wii U. I love gaming in general so I just have to have them all. ;)

I hope you had an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Welcome To Freedom! :D

Pretty nice niche to go for on YouTube gaming , well its my favorite type of gaming channel , but that's only me. However, i think that your channel really got potential , it got the quality , the consistency , and for a start , you got some good graphics :D all you need is development , or constant development in terms of commentary maybe lossin up a little bit and add some energy to your commentary which creates more engagement to your videos in terms of watch time! :D

Also , i liked that you skipped on the officials which is the music intro to videos , i don't know why its more catchy to have an intro with your own words than a music background with a channel's name going around the screen , but it really is :D

GAH, this was so long ago, I apologize for the delay. Thank you for your kind comments, I really appreciate it. :) I changed my channel some now, I switched two 1 video every 2 days to hopefully improve quality and now I have a facecam in my videos and try to play more silly and fun games while also playing through games (right now portal). :)

I hope you had an awesome New Year and a Merry Christmas and congrats on 100 subs!

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Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
hey dude , welcome to freedom , nice channel there and I enjoy the sims quite a bit , Channel is looking good so keep it up and I hope you enjoy your stay :)
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craig patterson

Rising User
Jan 5, 2016
Hello Freedom! family

My name is Jeremy (JemOMyne is my YouTube name though) and I live in the great state of Michigan. I am currently 19 years old. I ran across Aura Network (powered by Freedom!) by looking at some different networks I could join and that is the network I decided to go with. I joined this forum so I could connect with other members of the Freedom! family and maybe even find friends to make YouTube videos with. Gaming and now YouTube are my current hobbies although I would like to turn YouTube into a full time career at some point. I started YouTube because I wanted to record myself doing what I love, gaming, and I want to be an entertainer. My biggest dream is (as I said earlier) getting enough money to afford to be YouTube full time. I currently run a random gaming/ let's play channel. I upload let's play videos and some footage of random games that look fun to me. I try to upload at least once a day sometimes more but I have no set time. If you want to check out my channel you can find it here:

If you are interested in finding someone to make gaming videos with please message me on YouTube or leave a reply here.

Thank you for your time,

That is awesome man I also am new to freedom and hope to one day make a living do in what I love! Wish you luck my friend! Also quick question lol how do you post in introduce yourself?
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Reactions: JemOMyne


New User
Freedom! Member
Nov 2, 2015
hey buddy welcome to freedom family :D i think you have a very big potential to make a great content as a creator :)
Thank you so much, I really hope I can one day make a lot of people smile whether it is through entertaining videos or if I get enough people watching my videos one day charity would be amazing. :) Let me know what I can improve on. :)

Welcome to freedom! mate!

79/100 subscribers --> 21 to go!
Thank you, I feel so welcomed here! :) I love being in a place like this where everyone has the same interests. It really is amazing.

Hey and welcome! Great choice about going to this forum! It's really great here and people get a lot out of it as well! :D make sure to go and check my gaming channel out if you feel like it m8 ;)
Thank you, I hope to make a lot of friends here in the Freedom! family and get a lot of info on improving the quality of my videos as well. :)

Welcome to the forums (y) (Y). Nobody here seems to bite that hard so you made a good choice ;).
Thank you for welcoming me, everyone here is so nice. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1452318819][/DOUBLEPOST]
welcome to freedom ^_^
Thank you, I have only been here a couple months but am loving the partnership so far. :)
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