Community Hello Freedom Family (Since 2014-2016 <3)


New User
Jul 30, 2016
Hello the Freedom! Community! I have been With Freedom since around 2014-2016 (this year) and I hope to continue being with this community! Wait, let me introduce myself (stupid idiot, should've done that first) Hello! I'm Aquatiq/Cam (You may call me Cam/Cameron) I am a MLG PRO... No not yet.. I'm a Comedy type Gamer, I wished always to become popular with my comedic types, but with my old channel "CamPlaysMC" I was not able to succeed yet had 500 subscribers/23k views total. I had alot of views, yes, loads of subs, yes, but I felt my channel needed a complete revamp. So I decided to delete that channel (don't ask why) and start FRESH again. So to this day I strive to become big, I'm currently on the road to 1k, as my name on Youtube says, keep up to date with my sub count, By searching Aquatiq, and go visit my Channel: AquatiqMC (Aquatiq)
Let's Talk
I'm a 13 Year old gamer, records Minecraft, web games, etc. Will be making a Second channel, don't know if to do vlogging or more of an M Games related channel? let me know below :) Anyway, I shall continue.
My old channel was a huge success, tried daily uploads, but I felt I was a bit of an "UnderA" meaning Under Achiever (Term from GradeAUnderA, shoutout to mah boi <3) I was never meaning to grow to any where near 90 subs or even 100, but I surpassed that, and since I have AGAIN surpassed that and have suddenly stopped gaining subs, I thought, how about I introduce my self to the public a bit? so here I am trying to grow in 2016, introducing myself to the Freedom! Family :) If you want to contact me and tell me what I should stop doing or continue doing, or what videos you guys want to see next, go below and comment on this post or go ahead and skype me BELOW
Skype: Aquatiq