Gaming Hello! From SherrardGaming


My name is Justin, I am the founder of SherrardGaming. My hobbies include gaming (of course)!, being outside, and hanging out with friends.

I launched SherrardGaming two months ago and we continue to grow on a daily basis. I am kind of new to YouTube as I've never really had a channel and was always to afraid to make videos. But I am glad that I decided to join YouTube and I have a blast recording the games that I do record. My all-time favorite game is Banjo-Kazooie. Some of the games I play on my channel are: The Forest, Fable 1, Paragon, GTA (soon), Stardew Valley (soon), and I am looking forward to adding many more games to my channel.

I am happy that I've joined freedom as it seems like a great place for new channels to come and grow with each other. Hopefully everyone checks out our YouTube and they enjoy our videos!

Nice to meet you all,