Community Hello My Name is James and this is my Life so far

Feb 7, 2016
Hello my names is James Marsh
i am 17 and live on my own now I am still a kid in many peoples eyes but i like to make videos and other media such as graphics designs and much more.

About a year ago i bought myself a computer because i wanted to studie media at college. Then recently my computer in the same year i started a small side project my Youtube channel

Which now has 2492 subscribers everyday my channel is growing all of these are people who i count as friends and my family but recently i make videos and livestreams for my fans and make people smile i love to entertain my subscribers by playing games online with them i almost get over 200 new messages per a day from fans telling me just how much they love me and my content and how i make there day 10 times better

At the age of 3 4 5 i saw my real and and my mum always fighting it was horrid when i was 7 8 9
i realised my dad was very ill and that he was on limited time thankfully he is still with me today but me and my older older brother try to make every moment last

When i was younger i had a hard childhood my mum decided to marry this guy who she met when i was 7 who was very angry and agressive which we both didnt realise until they were married he was a really nice guy at first but things changed :( when i was 11 he would fight me and get abusive this put me down alot while i was at school i was always being bullied this made me very low in confidence i had no friends this is when i decided to use the computers at school and i instantly fell in love with media and graphics when i was 11 there was this one kid who told me about youtube in 2010 he said that you could make money i wasnt interested that much but i didnt understand copyright and i had an old channel named James Marsh lol so creative my name but i kept posting copyright videos and then i stopped doing that channel as i didnt have the right equipment

when i turned 12 i started to like watching wresting and i decided i wanted to be a wrestler (dream)
so i made a channel where i wrestled with a friend in a park but the videos were awful looking back now i think to myself what was i thinking but when i turned 13 i wanted to be a wrestler so bad i decided to make my own ring and bought a better camera still i sucked at wrestling but i was so set in my mind it was unbelieveable i made my own company named EHW Extreme Hardcore Wrestling i really wanted to wrestle or own my own wrestling company i wouldnt say no to owning one now but to wresting for one i would aha

When i turned 14 wrestling was off my mind and i started to loose my love for media and i started to get very depressed i was at a school where i was being bullied my mum and my step dad were always fighting and it all just got to me for the whole of my year as being 14 i have no memory of it except spending my days in my room i would wake up go to school get bullied and come home go to my room and sit in the dark these were some of the most darkest times i had ever experienced of my life i wouldnt do anything i would eat i just couldnt that dont mean i didnt eat ever but it felt like it

when i turned 15 i started to see a lighter side of the world but things changed quickly my mum had a breakdown this was not my mums first breakdown before this she had a stroke she tried to kill herself feeling worthless not feeling like she had anyone eventually we helped my mum out the hospital gave her tablets and she goes to see a women to talk to every week so that she can be kept safe from self harm or ever feeling sad again

when i turned 16 my mums health was getting better but mine was getting bad i started to eat to comfort me from all the bad things that had happend my mum recently had killed my hamster she didnt mean to it was a complete accident but it crushed me very badly on the night of my birthday my mum decided to leave but she didnt take me with her she left and i felt abandoned as i had always been there for my mum while my older older brother and sister didnt want anything to do with them i guess it was not so bad my mum walking out on me as it had felt like i hadnt had my mum in a very long time ever since her stroke she changed massively she was low in confidence and didnt even talk to me very often this made me very sad later in the year my nan died i was really really close to her i loved my nan with all my heart she was my world if i ever needed something or any help she would try her best to be there for me but sadly when i needed her the most she was gone :(

later that year a friend of mine said james do you wanna make a youtube channel with me at first i was like no and then he managed to get me to join him a month in and he decided he didnt want to record witn me anymore so i was not really in love with media anymore and i hadnt been for some time but i thought do i continue or stop ? and i decided to continue when i hit 100 subs i saw freedom and decided to join there amazing network shortly after joining my sub count started to grow and i was happier then i had been in a very long time it was later the same year that i started to find my love for media again

now i am 17 living on my own and having a blast i ask only one thing of you if you do see this story and you go through any abuse like i have that you tell someone imediatly as being bullied or abused by adults can hurt you massively and should never happen also if you do check me out on youtube plz be kind as we dont have time for hate :)


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask

Sorry to hear about what happened dude , no one should go through that at all :( I'm 19 and live without any parents so it can be tough but you will be fine just stay strong. I'm the same as you , I don't have any confidence really and struggle in situations but I wish you all the best

p.s here is how to added your sub button


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
Hello, friend.
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology, and TwilightPrinze are very active here on the forums, so you can ask us almost anything.
That is a lot of subscribers. Well done. You're an inspiration to us all. : 3
All the best. : 3