Community help to benefit from freedom


New User
Freedom! Member
May 24, 2017
i still didn't benefit from freedom before thinking of leaving can you tell me your experience?

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
I've been with Freedom for over a year now and haven't looked back on it. I have grown so much as content creator during this time, even though I haven't used some of the tools provided by Freedom, such as the sponsorship, or free to use music / gameplay, I still find this a wonderful network to be with. The support staff have always been friendly and helpful when ever I have had a query and it isn't hard to get hold of someone on the forums, if you ever need a hand with anything. Plus Freedom is constantly trying to expand and help out its members by offering different payment options, making small changes to the contract to encompass new streaming options, and putting our channel forward through advertisements.