Gaming Hey everyone! I post horror gaming videos, and other games too!

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Welcome ItsPinapplez, its always nice to see a new face around here. I can also see by your channel that you have recently created your Youtube channel (that sounds a bit strange didn't it), be sure to show your video(s) on the 'Home' section of your channel as well, otherwise some may take it that you have no content and click off.

If you don't mind me asking some questions so we can get to know you better
What system do you play on?
What got you into creating content on Youtube?
What is going to be your upload schedule?
Do you have any long term goals
If you became famouns overnight what would you do?
If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?


New User
May 14, 2017
Thanks for the tips! I play on pc mostly but I have an Xbox One and 360 too. I got into creating content mainly by watching others do it. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye etc. My upload schedule is going to be hopefully everyother day(Not counting weekend) or twice a week.
My main goal is to hit 100 subs. That would just be awesome! If I became famous over night then I would probably upload everyday and really invest a ton more. If I could go any where right now it would probably be Oahu because I love Hawaii. Thanks!