Gaming Hey everyone, i'm Liam :)


New User
Mar 7, 2016
Hey everyone, i'm liam, nice to meet you all. I have some experience on YouTube in the past but now want to take it to the next level and try and get up in the world, and by signing up to Freedom i hope to not only gain viewers but meet new people along the way, i hope you enjoy reading what i have to say :)

Your name: Liam, just Liam :p

Where are you from?:
I am from the UK/England and from Norfolk

How old are you?:
I am 19 years old, coming on for 20 in June

How did you find Freedom!?:
I have a family member who is partnered with Freedom, i decided instead of pursing other networks to join because of the good feedback

What made you join our forums?: The same reason i signed up in the first place, friendly network with people who have the same aims, to get somewhere on YouTube!

What are your hobbies?: Gaming is my biggest hobbies, i own a Xbox One/Xbox 360 and i mainly play Call Of Duty, i have played them all, and enjoy playing games in general, also play FIFA and Football Manger in my spare time! Enjoy football and huge fan of Formula 1 and WWE, also love Netflix and other tv boxset series, typical teenager nowadays!

What is your favorite food?: Random question huh?;) I'm a rather fussy eater, i'll eat most normal things but also dislike a lot of other foods, Curry is a favourite, Curry is bae

Why did you start YouTube?
: I've had channels on YouTube for years, since i was a kid but never got massively into in, i had a joint account with my brother for 2 years uploading FIFA content but grew out of it, but after watching my favourite YouTuber the last year 'EliteShot', i decided to try YouTube again, and to have fun!

What is your biggest dream?: My dream for Youtube is to get as high as possible, i know people say they want millions and millions of subscribers but of course that would be nice but in reality its a hard possibility, so i would like to get as high as possible, even if that is just 100 subcribers

What kind of channel do you run?: I run a friendly channel for all ages, i try to keep swearing to a minimal! I want people to see my upload and enjoy the content i upload!

What kind of content do you upload? Call Of Duty! Live, cut coms and tips and tricks videos! So if you are a Cod fan then come check me out

When do you upload?: I try and upload 2-3 videos a week, i prefer uploading well edited not rushed videos instead of rushing videos which i believe isn't good enough!

Channel link:

Hope to talk to many of you guys peace :)


Respected User
Jan 24, 2016
welcome dude, checked you out , overall good quality ,and always choose quality over quantity.Dont sweat it and think your vids arent good