Gaming Hey, guys! Let's Plays.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
My name if Frank, but people either know me as Dusk225, or furon17, depending on the site. On Twitch and Hitbox, I go by Dusk225, but on YouTube, I go by furon17. I do Let's Plays, as well as occasional musical projects. So come on and stop by, say hi, and hopefully I can make your day better! :)

My name: Frank.

Where I'm from: Massachusetts.

My age: 22, going to be 23 in a month.

How I found Freedom!: I believe I found Freedom! through a a tweet I had received on Twitter.

What made me join the forums: Well, to meet other people, of course!

What are my hobbies: Aside from Let's Playing and occasionally streaming, I write original music. I play guitar, piano, bass, and drums.

What is my favorite food: Well, if I had to say what my favorite food was, I'd have to go with cheese. Pretty much any kind.

What did I start YouTube: I started YouTube around 8 years ago, with the intent of doing walkthrough videos. About 3 years later, I made a new channel after being dissatisfied with the old one, and here I am!

What kind of channel do I run: I run a gaming channel (well, 95% gaming, the other 5% is music).

What kind of Content do I upload: Mostly Let's Plays, but every now and then, I'll throw in an update video or a random song.

Channel link:
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
I'll be sure to do that! Always happy to lend a hand if anyone wants a co-host. I've been doing LPs for 8 years, so I have a lot of experience with commentary, and have my own style. I can give tips for improving commentary, as well.

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
My name if Frank, but people either know me as Dusk225, or furon17, depending on the site. On Twitch and Hitbox, I go by Dusk225, but on YouTube, I go by furon17. I do Let's Plays, as well as occasional musical projects. So come on and stop by, say hi, and hopefully I can make your day better! :)
Welcome to Freedom! I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask! :)