YouTube How do I grow on Youtube/ Twitch?

DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
Hi I run two channels one is for twitch and the other is my youtube channel.

I am well aware how to edit and upload a video and thanks for @Cornish Games Night, I have more knowledge on livestreaming with the right settings in OBS but my main concern is I am not growing as fast and as much as I would like.

yes this takes time, I know but for someone who is on the edge of losing his actual job, I would like to go full time on this project as soon as possible.

I have an merit in level 2 media when I was in college so I have some training on how to create content.

I know the right video to produce can be challenging depending on what channel I want to create which is a friendly, somewhat relaxing and mature gaming channel where I can play, feel at home, learn and experience the same experience when I am not live streaming or recording any content.

I want to share my experience with everyone who wants to share with me. I want to brand my horizons to new heights that I never was able to in the past.

I got something to tell you which has haunted me recently for 3 years.

When I got partnered with freedom in 2016 (I think) (Account Name: Hidden due to the system thinks it's a link) I made some bad choices, since freedom! didn't offer us anything good due to another user who had a bad experience with you and said some drama to excuse you it was a scam and is the same as machinima, I thought it was true and un-partnered with freedom! and went with polaris but turns out it was Maker Gen and due to a 2 year never ending contract, I couldn't leave to rejoin with freedom! and my channel died.

I did try to upload as much content as possible but I had an pretty devastating issue and that issue was that my laptop that I was using for 4k edits, died and lost 4TB worth of video footage that was ready to be uploaded to my old channel.

this footage has made me unmotivated to even try to put effort into the videos I make so I went in retirement and created many youtube channels but couldn't settle, this year I have finally settled and would like to grow faster if it's possible.

Since my introduction to freedom! forums on this account I have been given great advice from @George and that advice is be more organized with my videos, create tutorials and blogs.

but I want to know is there anything else to share to gain more subs and views.

I understand my channel lacks videos and thumbnails but at of this moment me and my editor are stockpiling some videos up so we can keep up to date on every new or old series I do.

this method takes time since we are very poor and don't have the best specs to work with and due to our lockdown within the UK.

The Reason why I had 139 subs when I first joined was I did a giveaway for $900 worth of free stuff for a minecraft server I used to co-own but due to some issues with me and the owner of this server, the server kinda died and I got left with 139 dedicated subs that had nowhere to go and I didn't know what to do with, so I thought it be best if I created some type of content to keep them from unsubscribing.

but due to lack of videos live streams since I moved from youtube to twitch to see if its a better platform seems to be a waste of energy, I have 14 followers on twitch and I do not get alot of views 2 - 7 is my average, on youtube my views are around 3-34 views per every 10 minutes and the occasional chat here and there.

I want to know besides from "I want to know is there anything else to share to gain more subs and views." is how do I grow on twitch?

Cornish Games Night

Rising User
Jun 16, 2017
Hey dude sorry this has taken longer to reply should of contacted me in the discord my dude :) for my self I started from scratch it wasn't easy concidering the lack of internet. Computer and I was also doing around the uk before I turned mainly on being a content creator

So from streaming if you are very new IED would start off joining gaming orgs and exploring games that potentially would get views I find there are serten games on twitch you stream is very good like will to live online so far we have had from 8 to 10 max views. Scrap machanic was another one. Games like cod, vr chat, fortnite, minecraft, destiny, and many more. Everyone can see on there favourite youtuber or streamer rather than your self (yeah it's the harsh reality) but you can beat that by grinding on streaming or a schedule for YouTube. I'm hitting back on my youtube channel now I'm disbanding MGNTV for the lack of communication so if you need some kick ass reviews there will be on my channel. I am thinking about building guides and I will be managing a community for new streamers and content creator making sure we help one another and bring the upmost support.

One more thing I will say. Dont be that streamer that only streams for a hour and 30 minutes because honestly the year of grinding is going to be a bit **** but you will get a attraction. Stream for longer than 2 hours.
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DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
Hey dude sorry this has taken longer to reply should of contacted me in the discord my dude :) for myself I started from scratch it wasn't easy considering the lack of internet. Computer and I was also doing around the uk before I turned mainly on being a content creator

So from streaming if you are very new IED would start off joining gaming orgs and exploring games that potentially would get views I find there are certain games on twitch you stream is very good like will to live online so far we have had from 8 to 10 max views. Scrap mechanic was another one. Games like cod, vr chat, fortnite, minecraft, destiny, and many more. Everyone can see on there favourite youtuber or streamer rather than yourself (yeah it's the harsh reality) but you can beat that by grinding on streaming or a schedule for YouTube. I'm hitting back on my youtube channel now I'm disbanding MGNTV for the lack of communication so if you need some kick ass reviews there will be on my channel. I am thinking about building guides and I will be managing a community for new streamers and content creator making sure we help one another and bring the utmost support.

One more thing I will say. Don't be that streamer that only streams for a hour and 30 minutes because honestly the year of grinding is going to be a bit **** but you will get a attraction. Stream for longer than 2 hours.
ah ok well at the moment I am streaming cod zombies and once I get unbanned from hypixel it will be more hypixel videos but done the right way.

I can't run many games tbh since they require a good computer like you said when we first met on will to live, which I have uninstalled for the time being. I will reinstall it once my computer can handle the FPS portion of things.

I am saving up for one, well trying lol, I have 3 minecraft servers lol so alot of my pay wages goes into managing that.

I am also streaming longer then 2 hours, If I am on zombies it will normally end within 4 - 8 hours depending what I am doing.

also cool on setting up a community for new streamers, can't wait for that to come :)

Cornish Games Night

Rising User
Jun 16, 2017
ah ok well at the moment I am streaming cod zombies and once I get unbanned from hypixel it will be more hypixel videos but done the right way.

I can't run many games tbh since they require a good computer like you said when we first met on will to live, which I have uninstalled for the time being. I will reinstall it once my computer can handle the FPS portion of things.

I am saving up for one, well trying lol, I have 3 minecraft servers lol so alot of my pay wages goes into managing that.

I am also streaming longer then 2 hours, If I am on zombies it will normally end within 4 - 8 hours depending what I am doing.

also cool on setting up a community for new streamers, can't wait for that to come :)
honestly I would focused on a new pc and put the Minecraft servers on hold people in the server will understand :)
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DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
honestly I would focused on a new pc and put the Minecraft servers on hold people in the server will understand :)

ah yeah maybe you're right, I will cut down 1 server which i'm not using anymore but the other two is not going anywhere as I have 20GB minecraft server with like 68 - 80 plugins, can't remember how many lol. some of which are my own design.

these two servers is crucial for me to finish as I have promised a friend of mine who has 5k subs I would give him a public server to troll on.
I have worked on this server for more than 3 years on my own so it's a big issue I can't ignore.

and to be honest I do not want to remove it as it can be a hassle re-coding all the permissions within luckperms.

also at the moment I am managing to save up and host the server at the same time, my only concern is that I love food and if I am hungry I will spend £30 - £40 on food for me for 1 day lol which can either last for 1 day or 7 days depending on my mood.

which will slow down my saving spree like alot.

also I am getting more views via twitch now as I am currently deejaying live as I do not have to worry about any copyright stuff "played live" I do not get donations as I haven't set it up yet and atm I probs won't set it up until I can host two monitors at the same time.

Cornish Games Night

Rising User
Jun 16, 2017
ah yeah maybe you're right, I will cut down 1 server which i'm not using anymore but the other two is not going anywhere as I have 20GB minecraft server with like 68 - 80 plugins, can't remember how many lol. some of which are my own design.

these two servers is crucial for me to finish as I have promised a friend of mine who has 5k subs I would give him a public server to troll on.
I have worked on this server for more than 3 years on my own so it's a big issue I can't ignore.

and to be honest I do not want to remove it as it can be a hassle re-coding all the permissions within luckperms.

also at the moment I am managing to save up and host the server at the same time, my only concern is that I love food and if I am hungry I will spend £30 - £40 on food for me for 1 day lol which can either last for 1 day or 7 days depending on my mood.

which will slow down my saving spree like alot.

also I am getting more views via twitch now as I am currently deejaying live as I do not have to worry about any copyright stuff "played live" I do not get donations as I haven't set it up yet and atm I probs won't set it up until I can host two monitors at the same time.
Thats where i will say you have to do what is best for you. if your friend cares about setting your youtube or twitch channel out he would understand and the fact its only a temp thing.
Djing is a great way on twitch as my friend is really hitting it up on twitch as well being a dj. what I'm saying if you are gunna need the equipment just focus 90% on you and cost or set up a membership on Minecraft so people can help have that server stay alive :}
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New User
Mar 8, 2021
best thing i can recommend is just keep smashing content, dont bother with games over 6 months old they will already have there set creators by that point, look for what is new and comming out, so for example outriders is releasing march 1st the field is wide open a great opportunity to get into it, don't bother with collabs because you will more than likely get stuck with smaller channels, as bigger channels really only want to work with people who can offer them something ie new subs, the problem is with youtube now as opposed to 10 years ago there are millions of people doing it now and tech is cheap so people can start easily even from there phones, just smash out good quality content as much as you can and i promise you growth will happen mate :)


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
I think part of growing (steadily, I might add) is making content for your own enjoyment, and letting the right crowd discover and come to you. Being a content creator is very much like blazing your own trail, by all means take inspiration from others but I have found that being yourself plays a big part as well. Be imaginative and creative.

Another thing to keep in mind is to be your own biggest critic, watch the videos you make and think of areas you need to improve. Sometimes it can be the smallest details that no one else notices but yourself, once you identify how you can improve on that then you've made another step forward in bettering your content.

Be careful not to stray too far away from your original style, unless you feel it to be absolutely necessary. Your audience are here because they like the style of your content, if you stray too far from that then you risk alienating them. They may think that you are abandoning your own path in order to chase something that isn't really you.

Finally, it may involve a lot of self-reflection as you make content year after year. You may need to ask yourself soul-searching questions like, why am I making content, what do I want to get out of this journey, what do I enjoy the most about doing this, and so forth. You may find clarity and focus when you go through these moments from time to time.

Hope this helps.
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DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
I think part of growing (steadily, I might add) is making content for your own enjoyment, and letting the right crowd discover and come to you. Being a content creator is very much like blazing your own trail, by all means take inspiration from others but I have found that being yourself plays a big part as well. Be imaginative and creative.

Another thing to keep in mind is to be your own biggest critic, watch the videos you make and think of areas you need to improve. Sometimes it can be the smallest details that no one else notices but yourself, once you identify how you can improve on that then you've made another step forward in bettering your content.

Be careful not to stray too far away from your original style, unless you feel it to be absolutely necessary. Your audience are here because they like the style of your content, if you stray too far from that then you risk alienating them. They may think that you are abandoning your own path in order to chase something that isn't really you.

Finally, it may involve a lot of self-reflection as you make content year after year. You may need to ask yourself soul-searching questions like, why am I making content, what do I want to get out of this journey, what do I enjoy the most about doing this, and so forth. You may find clarity and focus when you go through these moments from time to time.

Hope this helps.
it helps alot, thanks

so far I have got a temp desk and acquired myself a professional microphone (studio quality), no more with connecting the blue snowball microphone anymore lol.

I have also brought myself a 2nd webcam so I can change my webcam style from webcam 1 - my desktop to webcam 2 - my rig camera showing a bird eye view of myself on angle.

the desk is actually on my bed itself quite literally as I have acquired myself a bed table which is super handy in creating high quality content like unboxing content or deejay content or any other content that might be entertaining for myself but for my editor as well.

DTM Panda

Rising User
Feb 9, 2021
Some Monitor commonly available in different forms & shapes in the estore. So you should a little to know more about

sup, alot has happened over the last time I did this thread, I have improved alot and gain 17 followers on twitch within couple of months streaming over 2 hours, my only con is as being a full time server owner, I do not have alot of free time to stream longer then 3 hours but I am getting their slowly.

I have moved off my bed now and onto a actual office space, was a door of a wardrobe but it was a hassle with mounting mics and camera on and it wasn't very practical.

since then alot has changed recently, I think last weekend I cleaned up my room some more, got rid of my custom made desk and moved around alot of my equipment. It's alot cleaner, alot more freedom to move about and it looks nice to use.

this is my new setup.


I also upgraded my computer since I was/ am using but not as much now this laptop with this specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 1.6 - 3.4GHZ
Ram: 8GB Signle-Channel Unknown @ 1064MHz (15-15-15-36)
Motherboard: Notebook NL40_50CU (U3E1)
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics (Clevo/Kapok Computer)
Storage: 238GB Adata SU800NS38 (SATA (SSD))
Audio: Xsplit Stream Audio Renderer
OPS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit

I upgraded it to a tower so I can have more freedom for streaming with streamlabs OBS as well as strictly use it for business and not personal use.

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) X4 860K Quad Core Processor 3.80 GHz
Ram: 8GB Ram
Motherboard: Gigabute Technology Co, Ltd/ F2A68HM-HD2
Graphics: Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x683F), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
Storage: 465GB Storage
Audio:Realtek Digital Output
OPS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit

Both specs isn't the best but this is good for £90 on facebook lol and eventually I am gonna get a more higher spec version but that will be a while.

Thanks for the suggestion thou, I do want another monitor thou but now days monitors are expensive, so I'm gonna wait for a amazon deal or get it when ordering my new tower on PC Specialist.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
sup, alot has happened over the last time I did this thread, I have improved alot and gain 17 followers on twitch within couple of months streaming over 2 hours, my only con is as being a full time server owner, I do not have alot of free time to stream longer then 3 hours but I am getting their slowly.

I have moved off my bed now and onto a actual office space, was a door of a wardrobe but it was a hassle with mounting mics and camera on and it wasn't very practical.

View attachment 20663
since then alot has changed recently, I think last weekend I cleaned up my room some more, got rid of my custom made desk and moved around alot of my equipment. It's alot cleaner, alot more freedom to move about and it looks nice to use.

this is my new setup.

View attachment 20664

I also upgraded my computer since I was/ am using but not as much now this laptop with this specs:

CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 1.6 - 3.4GHZ
Ram: 8GB Signle-Channel Unknown @ 1064MHz (15-15-15-36)
Motherboard: Notebook NL40_50CU (U3E1)
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics (Clevo/Kapok Computer)
Storage: 238GB Adata SU800NS38 (SATA (SSD))
Audio: Xsplit Stream Audio Renderer
OPS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit

I upgraded it to a tower so I can have more freedom for streaming with streamlabs OBS as well as strictly use it for business and not personal use.

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) X4 860K Quad Core Processor 3.80 GHz
Ram: 8GB Ram
Motherboard: Gigabute Technology Co, Ltd/ F2A68HM-HD2
Graphics: Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x683F), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible
Storage: 465GB Storage
Audio:Realtek Digital Output
OPS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit

Both specs isn't the best but this is good for £90 on facebook lol and eventually I am gonna get a more higher spec version but that will be a while.

Thanks for the suggestion thou, I do want another monitor thou but now days monitors are expensive, so I'm gonna wait for a amazon deal or get it when ordering my new tower on PC Specialist.
Having a clean workspace helps a lot, nice upgrades by the way.