How much do thumbnails really matter?


Respected User
Nov 29, 2015
So we all know how much thumbnails can make a difference but how much do they really matter? I personally dont do thumbnails just cause i dont even have photoshop or anything and i wouldnt even know how to make a eye attracting thumbnail. So what do you guys think how much do thumbnails really matter? do they make a difference in your views?


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
Erm personally I don't think it's a must have tbh Ive only put them on a few of my videos. Just makes your video stand out a bit more I suppose.


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Freedom! Member
Thumbnails aren't an exact science, and I'm still developing my own style with them so I'm not speaking as an expert thumbnail artist. But in general, @ReesFitz92 is right. They make your videos pop out in search results.

It's not so much that using an automatically generated thumbnail might make someone decide not to watch the video, it's that they might not notice it in the first place. That means your title, description, editing, and commentary don't even get a chance to make an impression.

As for editing software, you could try GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). It has pretty much all the features of Photoshop, is well documented, and there are loads of tutorials on it.
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Snaggle Teef

Utter Legend!
Freedom! Member
Jan 23, 2015
The breakdown,

Some say yes, others no, though i agree with both sides on different topics, I do create custom thumbnails for most, Why? because typically when those see these thumbnails they tend to look at it in a way that suggests how much time you put into your videos. Say something like, man this looks nice i bet the video looks nice too! let me watch. On the other hand most of the time it doesn't matter, simply posting a topic someone finds interesting will cause most to click on the video despite the thumbnail, unless of course your are a click bait advertiser such as failarmy or the like, posting near nude females for the sake of clickage.

However if you cannot make, or simply refuse to, its your choice. You will gather a following anyways. And unless requested from dedicated subs.


New User
Dec 2, 2015
In the beggining part of YouTube, you know how to make them etc, it's really worth the time since it get's you fans/views.
But if you have a couple of thousands subs it get's you less and less views since 30 views or so isn't really that much or worth the time, since you have so many consistent viewers/fans.

My answer is: Yes in the beggining part, later on it's still smart and useful but doesn't help so, so much. :)
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Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
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Feb 21, 2014
I guess you have to do some trial and error to see if having thumbnails/ what kind of thumbnail style works for you or if it makes any difference for your videos. :)
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Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
I'd say pretty important. If you were searching for something and the content was equal would you be more likely to click on the video with the professional looking thumbnail or the one with a generic youtube generated thumbnail? I'd say 99 times out of 100 I'd go with the one with the custom made thumbnail.
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Freedom! Member
Aug 15, 2014
Arvada, CO
Bro, they are super important, the trick to them is to develop your own style of thumbnails for example, My thumbnails consist of screenshots of actual gameplay that I recorded, and putting a black bar at the bottom with a sleek text, which is normally the same as the title. The title consists of something that may or may not question the viewers knowledge about that topic.


Mythic User
I think sometimes the automated thumbnails that are generated can be fine. There are lots of channels with millions of subs that just use the generated ones (or just still frames/screenshots). Having a completely blank thumbnail probably isn't a very good idea though... Also depends on the type of content you make.

Snaggle Teef

Utter Legend!
Freedom! Member
Jan 23, 2015
I thought about this topic, this morning. On my way to work and would like to extend my post here with this knowledge, It depends on you, if you don't want to then you don't have to, But i'll go ahead and state that thumbnails also have a negative effect on your content too! I only say this because i stay away from certain posts depending on the thumbnails they post lol. Just another side of the story.
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Freedom! Member
Mar 2, 2014
I think it's pretty important because I find myself not clicking on video with the auto generated thumbnails. If I don't tend to click on them I imagine there has to be others out there who do the same.

I don't click on them simply because, making your own thumbnails isn't hard it really doesn't take any artistic talent. All you need is an image, and add some custom text to it. That simple, and it's still better than the auto generated crap usually. So if someone doesn't take the time to do thumbnails, why should I take the time to watch their video?

With that said, yes it does matter if your talking about losing views. There most certainly will be people who skip it over because of that. The exception being if you are a larger channel. The bigger you get .. the less it effects you.
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Olivea Sea

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Freedom! Member
It's pretty important but it also relies on the type of vids you are going to post. Like for example vloggers or comedy video's on youtube benefit from some kind of weird thumbnail (that can be fiction) where they draw their audience with. For beautyhauls/tutorials like mine it's more important to have a very beautiful attractive image that should not be deceiving or you will get dislikes on your vid. So thumbnails are surely important but every category of content needs a separate tumb strategie.
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King Wolfe

Active Member
Jul 23, 2014
thumbnails is a great way to help categorize your videos, especially videos that deal within a series/episodes. in the beginning thumbnails made it a great way to capture attention to new viewers but now they are over saturated by almost every channel so they dont play a vital role as much as they did back then. but i do suggest using them if you are doing episodes or playing different games. so subs/viewers know what certain videos are about