How's everyone's day been? Holiday trip delayed


Active Member
Jun 14, 2016
Well today was a roller coaster for me and my family haha.
Pretty much what happened was that my mum and brother were suppose to fly off to Singapore today and I would fly off to Singapore next week BUT they couldn't let my brother through because my brothers passport expires in August and we actually didn't know this here but in order to fly, the passport needs to have a 6 month gap from when you're flying to when it expires. You'd think they actually tell you something like that when you book the tickets but I guess that's online booking for ya. And because the passport needs a 6 month gap, that means I have to get my passport renewed because it expires in August as well. Hurray! Many Money!
Well the upside to this is that we don't have to pay for the whole thing again and just pay a small transfer fee to change the departure dates but goddamn... felt really sorry for my mom :/

So that was my day haha! Just wanted to a place to tell this story to.
How's everyone's day been today? Anyone else wanna vent out a bad day?


Active Member
Jun 14, 2016
Wow that sucks. But the good news is you'll get to go eventually! Will it be your first time going to Singapore?
nah we go there alot to visit our relatives since we have no relatives in Australia. Nah it just sucks because we have to pay extra because we have to get new passports and transfer our departure and return dates but oh well... lesson learnt haha
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