Gaming JKREW intro!

J KREW Flowless

New User
Freedom! Member
Dec 21, 2016
Hey guys! im new to the forums but freedom has been my network for quite a bit now. What can I say I enjoy making youtube videos that hopefully entertain millions one day. I do gaming videos but more than anything i tell storytimes within the gameplay for the most part, or do reviews on some things every now and then! I am 21 years old. I am currently a college student studying psychology I love love love soccer and Mixed Martial Arts. But overall im a huge fan of most sports. Anyways thats pretty much it hope someone reply's and yeeeaaaa!


"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Hello Flowless and welcome to the Freedom forums, your channel sound good but you'll want to go and fix your sub box, to do this you hover over you name in the top right and select "Personal details", then just scroll down to the youtube channel box and follow the little guide underneath the box to correct your mistake. I'm 19 myself and I'm getting near the end of my gap year before going to university to study Computer Games Development for 3 years. however I'm not a great fan of sports as you could imagine, but I do like running. I hope to see more of you around on the forums :)