Tech KGS Youtube Premier


New User
Apr 7, 2017
Hi my name is Kyle, but my youtube channel is KGS. I live in the northwestern united states area. I am currently 17 years old. I found freedom prior when i did heavy research of doing youtube when i was 13. I decided to rejoin the community today, and I remember the forums had good insight. I love to program computers, make servers, develop websites, and film videos. My favourite food would be tacos or Pizza. I started youtube because I thought it would be a fun project to do, also a nice way to maybe have a career, but I do not think I will ever get to that stage. My biggest dream is to become a networking specialist. I run a multi channell consisting of skits, tutorials, documentaries, interviews, and gaming videos. I upload randomly but I am going to get into the groove of the things.

I have also provided an image of a thumbnail I created.

Please leave all tips that you see fit!

Thank you,