PC Looking for a Team Fortress 2 collaboration


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 2, 2016
I'm looking for an active and awesome person who is able to mix scripted content with improvised scenarios based around gameplay. Also having some level of prior experience in the competitive scene would help, though it's ultimately not required.

My channel has been around since 2008, making it one of the first TF2 channels on YouTube. However, I've grown increasingly inactive over the years, and am now hoping to make a comeback. This, as you may be aware, isn't really an easy feat, with large channels like Muselk, ArraySeven, MrPaladin, Uncle Dane, King Raja, and others having since taken over the market.
My channel, as it stands right now, sits at 400 subs. Once I have a decent flow of content going, I intend to cross-promote my channel on Twitch, which depending on which game I stream, typically gets anywhere from 10 to 500 viewers.

Content: Currently, my channel lacks quality content, with me having moved away from putting effort into editing videos, and essentially uploading random junk that I threw together in Movie Maker. However, moving forward, I intend to publish informational content on how to better your gaming skills in Team Fortress 2 through a series of humorous videos where I highlight the do's and don't's of TF2. From the core basics, to the highest level of competitive. I'm hoping to cover everything.

Collab: Informational videos and tutorials is more of a future goal, and not what we will end up doing together. Instead, I'm looking for a sort of test collaboration, where we'll both basically go into a random public server, and mess around on comms. If what we say or do is funny, the content may be edited and uploaded. Not everything will be used, so please keep that in mind. This is really just a way to see if you and I can work together on larger projects. Cause you know, if I don't like ya, I'm not gonna work with ya. :p

Age: I'm a 23 year old male, and am looking for mature adults or older teens to collaborate with. I'd prefer you to be 16 years of age or older, though I'm willing to make an exception, so long as you act mature, and stay away from memes.

Subscribers: I'd prefer it if you had 200 or more subscribers, though that's more of a general rule of thumb, and not so much of a requirement. As I said, I myself only have 400 subscribers, and I suspect this to grow rather rapidly with a little help from my Twitch side. Cross-promotion can be a wonderful thing. :)

Software: I run a private Mumble server which I use exclusively during recordings. So please be familiar with Mumble, as that will be what we'll use during the recording process.

Knowledge: While this may seem obvious, I'm looking for people that consider themselves knowledgeable in all things Team Fortress. So if you don't know the difference between your hoovy and your vacc, you're not what I'm looking for. Also, as an added bonus, I'm looking for people with at least 1,000 hours in Team Fortress 2.

Contact: If you're interested in a possible collaboration, please first reply to this thread with some information about you and your channel, as well as to why you think I should collaborate with you. Also please include a link to your Steam profile page.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on here, or in a PM.
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Though I don't play TF2 (which is a shame as its a good game) I just wanted to say what a great post you have summarised everything so nicely and outlined what you are looking for in line with the sectional rules. (y) (Y)