Gaming Looking For People to Stream With


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2016
As the title suggests, I've been looking for people to stream with since I'd really like to have a small group to stream with so I'm not at it alone (which gets tiring after an hour and I always seem to run out of things to say). My only criteria are that you have a decent mic and that you're at least 18. I won't necessarily turn you away if you don't meet the 2nd one (I say 18 because I will not accept squeakers, as the internet would put it). I'm looking to stream games like Rainbow Six Siege, Dead by Daylight, Golf With Your Friends, Cards Against Humanity, Paladins, Overwatch, Rocket League, and possibly Dark Souls II. If you're interested, hit up my discord Dusk225 #9544 and we can talk about schedules and whatnot there. Sorry for the long post, also!