PC Looking for some serious folks


New User
Jan 8, 2016
WARNING: This post is gonna be longer than the entire Harry Potter book series. I'm looking for some serious folks, if you're not in it to win it, then move along. This post is for the winners and the dreamers.

Yo! I'm Anthony and I've been doing YouTube for about 5 years now (It's crazy, right?) I've had multiple channels, I've run, managed, owned and coached MLG Teams. I've ran Minecraft servers, and I've run two gaming communities. I've always had a strong passion and dream to entertain others in some way, I found that mixing my sense of humor, creativity, and that dream on YouTube was the perfect way to live this dream. I've always had a 'go to' "Crew" to do videos with but every time I try to get them to record with me it's always "I don't like that game" "I'm not home and won't be." "YouTube is lame". I'm putting my foot down. I've got a nice thing going on my channel with alot of potential but nothing to do with it. I refuse to let my channel waste away any longer. So here's me asking you, members of this fourm; Will you join me, in my quest to becoming a successful YouTube entertainer? I don't care about money or even being famous, I just want some buds to play video games with and make a few funny videos out of it. I'll explain what I'm about below and if you're interested, let me know. I'd love to have you.

First off, You gotta be over 16 at least, that's a given.

Second, You have to have a available schedule, I don't mean 24/7 but try to have like 2 days out of the week where you're free. And make sure you're 100% free for recording, I've had people and friends I was recording with trying to push a session into like a 30 minute time frame because they had plans, make sure you're free, and available. I work, and I go to school, I still make time dedicated to recording. The only off time or breaks I take are when I sleep at night. That's how dedicated I am, I'm looking for folks who are the same.

Third, This is important; you HAVE to be dedicated. In my years of working with YouTube, the most common thing I've seen, and I'm guilty of this too, is people just aren't dedicated. I want to work with people whom have a passion for this, who are ready to work hard to achieve their dream. Don't give up. Nothing is impossible. 10 subscribers, 2 views per video. The greats of YouTube started right where we all are at this very moment. We just have to dedicate ourselves to this.

Fourth, You've got to have a sense of humor, just don't take things too seriously. People won't want to collaborate with you, if you're constantly immature and whining. Take everything in as a joke. We should all be able to make videos together with smiles on our faces and laughter in the air. Being positive and mature is key, if you're having a bad day, and don't feel like recording, then just say "Hey, I'm having a **** day. Don't feel like doing anything."

Lastly, This is completely optional, but I'd prefer if you have a decent mic, and a sizable steam library. You MUST, MUST have a good internet connection, I don't want someone lagging out to ruin some of my content. I make videos similar to the YouTubers who make 'Funny Moments' or 'Funtages' but my twist is I like to put more variety in the games we play. But I love making Garry's Mod videos, so be ready for that (And downloading all the addons that come with it.)

If you want to get a feel for me, and my content check out my channel (NOTE: These videos are kinda old, I've since built a $500 gaming rig so the videos will not be **** quality like the ones on my channel. If you're tech savvy, check my about me for specs and stuff.):https://www.youtube.com/user/trinideland

So if you wanna band together and become friends, let's do it. Respond below with your Skype.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 13, 2014
I'm interested in doing so. my passion for Youtube is really up high and I want to make others laugh without a doubt. I'm mainly interested in Garry's Mod but am willing to play any other games! As for how big my Steam Library is? Errr, over 400 games... not sure if that's enough or not. My microphone is a Blue Snowball so that should suffice. If you are interested in having me please feel free to see who I am and add me on Skype. :)

Skype: flashtoro


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 14, 2016
Great Harry Potter Series :p

I want to join you but i don't have skype..

I work very hard to achieve something on youtube and as you say the only time to rest is when i go to sleep at night..

I have a good gaming pc and a great sound quality mic and everything you want... I have humor, i have passion..

Please let me join you... I will not disappoint you..