Media: I'M STUCK!!! | Minecraft minigames (survival games)


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
hey man just thought i would give my opinion on the video for starting the audio is pretty good so nice work on that, the video quality is also pretty good as well i no how hard it can be to get out there with minecraft videos so doing mini games is a good way of doing it so well done on that but there is some downfalls the first one is noticeable before you click the video which means your thumbnail really does not pop of the page i no how hard it can be to make a good thumbnail but your gonna want to try make it pop off the page when making your thumbnails its a good idea to make the kind of thumbnails that you would click on and the 2nd thing is you are a little to quiet for my taste ofc thats just my opinion im not saying your video is bad im just saying for me the video has to have more energy put into it from the youtuber but i didn't feel that energy from you and you seemed to be to tense but thats a easy fix and you will get use to it in time just try put more energy into the video when your talking and also loosen up a bit man and have fun :D
but in the end its a pretty good video

but this is only my opinion


New User
Dec 23, 2017
Hi, I think that this was a pretty good video (was it one of your first?). I think with a bit of practice you could become a pretty good youtuber. All you need is to add a bit of energy (and that just comes with practice).